Monday 19 November 2012

Game 25: Codename: ICEMAN - Final Rating

It’s no secret that I didn’t think much of this game. It was ambitious to say the least, and offered something fresh, but in the end it was just a bit of a chore to get through to be honest. I’m concerned that the PISSED rating system won’t punish it enough, so I may have to call on my correction point for the first time. Let’s see whether that’s necessary...

Puzzles and Solvability
What a place to start! When I look back over my screenshots, it becomes clear that there are only really two sections of the game where traditional adventure style puzzles come to the fore (I guess the ship maintenance sections should count too), and they’re at the beginning and the end. In both cases, there are serious flaws with the puzzle design! The game lets you move on, despite having missed vital information and items, and gives no warning at all that this might be the case at the time, or even later when said information and items are required. More critically though, the parser system in Codename: ICEMAN is simply unacceptable. There were numerous times throughout the game that I was put off the correct scent by the parser not accepting my very Sierra safe commands. I tried to sit with Stacy when I first met her. I tried to get the duct tape off the fridge when I first saw it. I tried entering the coordinates into the diver when I first picked it up. I wasn't able to do any of these things. That’s not cool and I have to punish the game for it.

I'm still angry about the duct tape.

However, I haven’t discussed the rest of the game, which is really just one mini-game after another. Controlling the submarine involves referring to the complicated manual instructions time and time again, and just when you get the hang of things, the game asks you to do something else that you have absolutely no clue how to do. It was like a test of endurance for me, with hours wasted figuring out what button did what, which person knows what, and what command I might need to type. I really didn’t enjoy it. Then there’s the dice game! It’s tough enough having to win games of dice that involve a fair amount of luck, but the game forces you to win an obscene amount of games, and then doesn’t allow the player to save and restore more than three times throughout. They may have wanted to make it a little more realistic by making the player feel the pressure, but it got repetitive and boring very quickly. I haven’t even discussed the diving or driving scenes, which are both confusingly handled. In the end, most puzzles (and therefore solutions) only become apparent when a game over message pops up on your screen, which is just not good game design.
Rating: 3

What did I do wrong this time! Oh come on!!!

Interface and Inventory
Codename: ICEMAN is certainly an ambitious game. It tried to do something completely unique, and the designers had to implement a whole range of keyboard and mouse control systems to make it work. While it seemed very clunky at first, controlling the ship was actually not too bad, particularly once I learnt which actions were better handled by keyboard or by mouse. Unfortunately, the addition of visual diagonal movement (the game was the first to do this) made moving Johnny around the ship harder than it would have been otherwise. It made no difference whether I used the mouse or the keyboard, Johnny would randomly walk diagonally when I was trying to go vertically. I guess I can partially forgive this flaw though, since the game also allows direct movement commands. Manually walking across a room and then lining Johnny up with the bottom of a ladder was not easily done, but it was once I figured out I could just type “climb ladder” from anywhere, and he would do the rest.

You'd think getting from here to the bottom of the stairs would be easy wouldn't you.

The inventory system is adequate, and I was glad to see that the designers didn’t choose to use the horrible text based system that appeared in Police Quest 2. Since there is no better place to talk about it, I have to mention in this category that Codename: ICEMAN is filled with bugs. Quite a few times I was unable to view my inventory, instead receiving a message saying “Sorry, not enough memory”. There were a couple of times where commands I typed brought back information from something that wouldn’t occur until much later in the game, such as when I was being told about the Captain’s injuries before he’d even taken a fall. I even had at least two occasions where mini-games screwed up on me and certain triggered events never occurred. All of these bugs led to masses of confusion, and in a game which would have been difficult already, they made it almost unbearable to play. I’ve already fired some shots at the parser, but this is technically the right place to do it. I will just reiterate that its limitations are unacceptable for a text driven adventure game, and move on.
Rating: 3

What head injury? Sorry, who did you sedate?

Story and Settings
Codename: ICEMAN is one of those games where on paper the story would sound pretty cool. Its mix of James Bond and real life naval operations is both unique and geared for excitement and intrigue. However, it’s in the details where things can really fall apart, and that’s the case here. As Charles has pointed out in one of his comments, there’s actually no antagonist, and really there are no critical characters apart from Johnny himself. All other characters appear to be an afterthought, including the secret agent / love interest Stacy. Considering its very possible to (and in fact quite likely that players will) never meet Stacy in Tahiti, her inclusion towards the end is fairly irrelevant. She offers a map and access to an apartment, but that could just as easily have been handed over by the fisherman that gives Johnny access to the harbor.

Well let's ask Charles since he never even met her!

Probably my biggest problem with the story though is the writer’s inability to give any of the circumstances a legitimate reason to occur. There’s no way anyone is going to put an inexperienced outsider at the helm of a high tech submarine with a mission to save an Ambassador and in all likelihood prevent full scale war. There’s also no way that the same outsider would be left alone to fix problems with the ships weapons systems. I realise most games take liberties like these, but they at least try to make some sense of it. The only time I saw anything like that in Codename: ICEMAN was when the captain fell and was therefore out of action for a while, but he was standing by watching me screw up for the rest of the game. I guess if I’m going to find positives, it’s that the plot is by far one of the more serious on offer so far, and has more resonance than say, Gold Rush, where the protagonist’s actions are pretty much for selfish reasons.
Rating: 4

Well, since it's your job, why don't you fix it. What? You're leaving?! Where are you going?!

Sound and Graphics
I recall the very first time I started Codename: ICEMAN, I was impressed with the very moody music that accompanied the opening intro shot. A few moments later and I was subjected to horrendous eighties electro as the credits rolled by, then a simplistic, repetitive attempt at reproducing a ukulele for the opening beach scene. Then silence! After a fairly audible start, the majority of the remaining game was comparatively quiet, bringing music back in only for particular scenes. There are some sound effects in quite a few sections, but they too are minimal and unobtrusive. The graphics are probably on par with the likes of the Larry and Police Quest sequels. On the positive side, I actually think the animation is better for Iceman (check out the way the bikini clad women smoothly stroll down the beach), but there’s nowhere near as much variety on offer. The choice of colours in the engine, machine, storage and weapon rooms need to be answered for also!
Rating: 5

Actually she kind of is!

Environment and Atmosphere
The opening sections of Codename: ICEMAN felt like Leisure Suit Larry and the closing sections more like Police Quest 2, but everything in between at least offered something fresh. It’s probably not until The Last Express in the mid-nineties that adventure game players were expected to spend so much time stuck aboard one form of transportation, and I believe that game showed that it can work when done well (I haven’t actually played it mind you). I actually think the game has some decent atmosphere due to the suspense of the situation, but the effect is completely overwhelmed by the frustration of actually achieving anything. Credit where credit is due though and the mix of naval and political themes certainly made me feel like I was part of something important. If there had of been less bugs and repetition, I probably would have enjoyed the experience.
Rating: 5

Well it sure beats "Lolotte is very evil and will use the talisman to bring more evil to Tamir"

Dialogue and Acting
This one’s a mixed bag I’m afraid. In some ways the dialogue in Codename: ICEMAN is fairly representative of the Police Quest series, which means reasonably correct language and jargon to match the setting and situations (most likely thanks to the involvement of a real life navy officer), but in other ways the game feels very rushed, with incomplete descriptions and a noticeable amount of spelling and grammar mistakes. There is certainly a lot of dialogue in the game, with a lot of it made up of ship commands and mission instructions, but that’s no excuse for shoddy play testing. How does something as obvious as the below screenshot get through play testing when it appears right near the beginning of the game. I could have used any of about twenty examples here, so this is by no means a one off.
Rating: 4

Expolsive! Is that bad? It sounds bad!

So that leaves Codename: ICEMAN with a round 40. How do I feel about that? Well, it makes it the lowest ranked Sierra game so far, which seems fitting. Although there was that Black Cauldron game that was pretty average too, and that got 42. That doesn’t sit too comfortably to be honest, but nor does using my correction point to move the score into the positive (that game only took up six hours of my time too, whereas this one took over sixteen). A score of 40 also leaves the game ranked higher than all the French entries so far, as well as Uninvited and Shadowgate, which feels right too. You know what, I think I’m going to have to leave it exactly where it is once again!

I always look forward to finding out who the winner of Lars-Erik's sponsored game prize is. This time the winner is... The Mad Gamer! Congratulations! Wow, that's not the first time a reader with one of the lowest predictions has got it right. Either I'm a very harsh judge or you guys are overestimating the quality of some of these games. Oh well, Hero's Quest is up next!!!! It will be interesting to see what you all think I'll give it, especially as you already know it's one of my very favourite games. I really hope it lives up to my memories, as I haven't played it for about twenty years! Note that predictions will be slightly different for future games. You can all vote for whatever score you really think I will give, and all correct answers will go into a draw (which I'll figure out how to do fairly).

Companion Assist Points for Codename: ICEMAN
It’s time to dish out (and perhaps deduct) some points for those that predicted things and assisted me along the way.

45 CAPs for Jarikith
* Ilmari's Challenge Award - 10 CAPs - For passing Ilmari's challenge
* Companion Award - 10 CAPs - For playing along with me and completing the game
* Companion Aid Award - 10 CAPs - For helping a fellow adventurer in need
* Reenactment Award - 10 CAPs - For hilariously imagining Stacy's CIA briefing
* Minor Assistance Award - 5 CAPs - For answering a question about cylinder length

43 CAPs for Lars-Erik
* Sponsor Award - 20 CAPs - For sponsoring the blog with free games!
* Major Assitance Award - 10 CAPs - For revealing a possible dead end on my request
* Deciphering Award - 8 CAPs - For solving four out of 10 mixed up adventure titles, then donating points to unimural
* Longest Journey Award - 5 CAPs - For announcing the Dreamfall sequel

36 CAPs for Ilmari
* Major Assitance Award - 10 CAPs - For responding to a Request for Assistance
* Companion Aid Award - 10 CAPs - For helping a fellow adventurer in need
* Deciphering Award - 6 CAPs - For solving three out of 10 mixed up adventure titles, then trying to convince me that he didn't deserve 6 CAPs
* Dead End Award - 5 CAPs - For warning me of potential dead ends
* Minor Assistance Award - 5 CAPs - For contributing to a Request for Assistance response
* Destroyer Bug Award - 5 CAPs - For letting me know of a potential bug in the game that was affecting me
* James Bond Award - 5 CAPs - License to Drill
* Ilmari's Offer Award - -10 CAPs - Giving 10 CAPs to Jarikith for successfully completing his challenge

35 CAPs for Charles
* Best and Fairest Award - 20 CAPs - Because sometimes winning isn't everything
* Sandy Award - 5 CAPs - For calling Stacy Sandy and sticking to it for the entire game
* Burger King Award - 5 CAPs - For stopping in for a burger mid game
* Infinity Bug Award - 5 CAPs - For finding the unlimited points bug

30 CAPs for unimural
* Phantasmagoria Award - 20 CAPs - For making my self-judged ridiculously clever riddle seem simple
* Deciphering Award - 10 CAPs - For solving the hardest of the 10 mixed up adventure titles and then receiving bonus points from Lars-Erik for his success

25 CAPs for Fenrus
* Major Assistance Award - 10 CAPs - For helping me figure out whether I should restart
* Minor Assistance Award - 10 CAPs - For contributing to a Request for Assistance response twice
* Greenpeace Award - 5 CAPs - For finding a non-hostile way of getting past the Russian destroyer

15 CAPs for Canageek
* Genre Support Award - 10 CAPs - For commenting about a BIG new adventure game sale on Steam
* Safe Sex Award - 5 CAPs - For commenting on how irresponsible James Bond is to women's health

15 CAPs for The Mad Gamer
* Clairvoyant Award - 10 CAPs - For predicting the score I would give the game
* Grammar Nazi Award - 5 CAPs - For doing the right thing and telling me when I'm wrong

10 CAPs for Corey Cole
* Corey Cole Award - 10 CAPs - For being Corey Cole

10  CAPs for nhil
* Deciphering Award - 10 CAPs - For solving two of the harder mixed up adventure titles

5 CAPs for TBD
* Genre Support Award - 5 CAPs - For commenting about a new adventure game sale on Steam


  1. I've already got your email address The Mad Gamer, so I'll send across your prize tomorrow.


    Hero's Quest here we come!

    1. And to celebrate Hero's Quest coming up, here's the third in my series of animated GIFs:

      (warning, spoilers!)

  2. Also, I have a bit of a surprise post coming this week. I predict it will be up on Wednesday, as long as I can get the Hero's Quest intro post up tomorrow.

    So much to do, so little time!

  3. So did Lolotte's plan involve becoming a bridal consultant? Sorry, couldn't resist this, when I saw that she was going to bring more VEIL to Tamir ;)

    1. Um...ahem...yes, well, arranged marriages are a big problem in Tamir you know!

  4. HAHA! Thanks Trickster for the Burger King award. You could have warned me about my Stacy/Sandy mixup, though! Whoever I had in mind? I'll let Johnny reflect on it:

    Who's this woman whose hands I am holding?
    Who's this woman whose face I'm beholding?
    While Stacy was Sandy
    It was all good & dandy
    Now my head feels a bit like expolding

    1. I really love the way you based that entire poem around getting the word expolding in there. Genius!

  5. So close on my prediction :) Congratulations, The Mad Gamer!

  6. Thanks to Charles' Sandy award.. I am now picturing Stacy showing up for the last minute rescue as the ending of 'Grease'. Stacy/Sandy arrives in black leather pants and a halter top, shoots the guard, John cries out 'Sandy!' and she goes 'Tell me about.. John,' then they break into 'The One That I Want' hop into the delivery van/truck and rather than driving up to the helicopter they instead go flying off the edge of the cliff and awaaaaay to the carrier in the now flying van/truck itself. I hope you're happy now Trickster! Once that song gets into my head it takes a good while to go away!

    1. Yes, I was feeling pretty happy with myself. That is, until that damn song got stuck in my head too!

  7. The adventure was every bit how I remembered it. I really don't remember all the parsing issues. It's been over 20 years. I can't believe I finished the game. I suspect I looked at a walk-through for some things. I do remember spending a lot of time on the submarine parts. Anyway, I'm (still) not inspired to dig out the disks and relive the experience.

  8. Speaking of Corey Cole and Hero's Quest, the Hero-U kickstarter has less than a day to go and looks like falling a little short.

    So if anyone was interested, now's probably the time to chime in. And if Corey's listening, good luck.

    1. Come on guys! We can help make this happen!

      How about this? I will give anyone that puts money down on Hero-U an equivalent amount of CAPs. So, if you put $25 down, I'll give you 25 CAPs.

      I will top this out at 50 CAPs so I don't flood the CAP market. Anyone that has already backed it can also claim.

      To claim, simply forward your Congratulations - You're a Backer email to I promise to ignore all personal details that might come through in these emails, but from the email I received, there are none on there.

    2. I'm hoping this happens too. I just upped my support.

    3. Oh sure.. cap the CAPs at 50! I wanted to corner the market! Horde my CAPs for the Adventure Game Apocalypse and then sell them at a premium markup!

    4. Haha! Go play Fallout for a while and then come back and talk to me about the value of CAPs in a post apocalyptic world. ;)

    5. I've put $35. If the rewards were more compelling for the higher tiers I might have gone for more, but I'm also a little strapped on funds.

    6. Totally agree here. I gave what I could, but it's not terribly compelling.

    7. Hah, do you take congratulations-emails from the rest of the adventure Kickstarters as well? ;)

      Talking of which, Hero-U is fully funded now, but Shadowgate isn't. Bring the love?

    8. Yes, I don't see why I shouldn't support other Kickstarter projects by offering CAPs. It's just the right thing to do really and....oh...Shadowgate you say!? Um...this needs some more thought. ;)

  9. Um, I hate to be a bother, but you missed my post about the adventure game in the Humble Indie Bundle. I bought it, and have confirmed it is a puzzle based, point and click adventure game. PC, Windows, Mac and Android. Or did someone else beat me to that?

    1. Let me throw in the Stuffing Bundle going on right now at Indie Royale:

      4 point-and-click adventures.

    2. Well, the rules clearly state that only new releases and sales on GOG and Steam will receive CAPs.

      There's probably an adventure game going on sale somewhere on the net every minute of every day, so I have to be specific in some way.

      I'll check out these sites though and see whether I feel they should be added. Anyone else use these sites?

    3. How about GoG's adventure game sale today: 5 adventure games for $10, including Machimima:

      I'd add the Humble Bundle to your list: It only happens a couple times a year, you pay what you want, pick the platform you want, and chose how the money is split up (Between the Devs, EFF, Child's Play and the Humble Bundle tip). If you pay more then the average amount, you get extra games. This is also the first time I've seen an adventure game in there, so I don't think it will flood you.

      Why not offer 1 CAP for a non-approved sale, 2 CAP for a new adventure game release (No flash games), and then the standard rates for something on the approved list (GoG and Steam right now)? That way there is an incentive to hunt down adventure games, but it won't destroy the CAP economy.

  10. My review of the review! I think overall the game has been fairly scored, clearly I was overly optimistic in my recall of the game and it's various problems when I guess my, now seen to be, absurdly high guestimate.

    I can't object to any one of the categories coming out the way it did. I will say for the Story and Settings portion, a large part of the problem falls squarely on the fact that we know next to nothing about Commander (now Captain) John Westland before we're thrust right into his shoes on that beach. It seems completely ludicrous that this "inexperienced outsider" is being given this mission primarily because we have no history with the character. If there was some sort of background information provided on who John is, what he's done prior to the this adventure and why he's the right person for the job it would've seemed less odd that this particular random Naval Commander was picked for this mission during the middle of his vacation rather than say.. some other random Naval Commander not on vacation. Sadly no such information is provided, not even some sort of Character Biography in the manual itself that could've salvaged the situation.

    1. I always get worried when people review my reviews, but since you agreed with me, I really liked this one!

    2. >rather than say.. some other random Naval Commander not on vacation

      Because they're busy on a mission, perhaps?

  11. This game drove me nuts! I played it for the first and only time in the days before DOSBox, but on a modern machine, and the first submarine battle went way too fast, so I could never progress past that part, but I remember the game being an aboslute chore. It's a shame, really, because it has an interesting concept and good graphics, but the parser and--more importantly--the puzzle design, was awful. I loathe games where the only way to know how to solve a puzzle is to die and get the hint in a death message. Lame.

    So glad to see you stick with this, Trickster!

  12. Working my way up through the blog (great work Trickster!), but I just could not pass up on a clear injustice :) While I agree that this game might be dreadful sometimes and has A LOT of design issues, there is no way (in my opinion) it should score whole 2 points less than Zak McKraken in Sound and Graphics department. Animation alone in Codename:Iceman is much more detailed, backgrounds are drawn with use of dither for a very nice artistic effect. And please dont get me wrong - I love LucasFilm (Arts) games like a next guy, but graphics was never their highest quality. I'd say both games should get well deserved 6. Anyway, see you guys in 2014 posts in few months and again - great blog Trickster!

  13. I am the last person who would defend the game (in my personal ranking it received 1/10 points) but it is clear to me that you hated the game so much that you forgot to be objective when rating the game. First of all I don’t understand why you have subtracted points for poor parser in „Puzzles and Solvability” section. This section is not about game mechanics but puzzles themselves about which I do not have many complaints. Of course you have also subtracted points in other section „Interface and Inventory” by the same issue which I agree, but don’t you think that this element should affect only one section (not two) in Final Rating?
    Then you complain about possible dead-ends (in 1st section). However, you did not encounter such situation. ID Card which you forgot to get from Pentagon guard is not needed anymore, microfilm also is not a crucial item. I don’t know what particular object/data you had in mind when you wrote „The game lets you move on, despite having missed vital information and items (...) even later when said information and items are required”. I don’t remember anything that would fit to your above statement.
    Codename has many optional dialogues, background info, scenes, etc. Why you did not give some extra points for this like you did for Police Quest 2?
    I did not encounter any of bugs mentioned by you (well, apart from buggy sitting in bar) but I believe you that it may be not as polished as it should be. But there is always „but”. I believe that this game is the first one which allows you to just enter the command instead of standing just next to the object you want to manipulate with. Moreover, you do not have to guess what are you looking at. Command „look” and pointing your eyes at this object are enough. Both of the above are significantly decreasing frustration from previous Sierra (or parser-related) games. So, why it received just 3 mere points?

  14. I expected you to be a lot harsher on the puzzles, given how much I remember you disliking Police Quest's obsession with manual-following, not to mention the bugs and the parser issues. Go figure.


Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of the reviewer requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game...unless they really obviously need the help...or they specifically request assistance.

If this is a game introduction post: This is your opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that the reviewer won't be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 50 CAPs in return.
It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All score votes and puzzle bets must be placed before the next gameplay post appears. The winner will be awarded 10 CAPs.