Recent Comments

On Mar 27 Busca commented on leisure suit larry 6 shape up or slip:
“For anyone who might enjoy these two latest LSL Wet Dreams games: Currently (until this Friday 3 pm CET), there is a special offer for GOG newsletter subscribers: both games plus artbook and soundtrack for EUR 1,99 as a package (link for the store page with the regular price for information on the…”
On Mar 27 Ross commented on sherlock holmes consulting detective_0273196482:
“There's some interesting word stuff here. "Quietus" means both the final payment on a debt and also is a euphemism for death, so it's a decent pun, if probably too obscure for the video game audience at least. An adze is a tool similar to an axe or a mattock. They're used in…”
On Mar 27 Busca commented on sherlock holmes consulting detective_0273196482:
“Thanks for complementing your coverage with a comparison to the board game, including the 'missing' case. Agreed that it was the right decision to leave it out of the computer game.Given the game's setting and the rest of the cypher text being in English, I assume (and guess you also…”
On Mar 26 gamer indreams commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“The text of the game feels more like a book than a game in how in depth the feelings of the character are being explored. I've always wondered if this will create more identification between the player and the character - we will find out if and when MorpheusKitami starts biting people in the…”
On Mar 25 PsOmA commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“Yeah, I normally hate overly dialogue heavy adventure games (my ADHD kicks in and I start skipping through it - Sam and Max for example drove me insane) but the fact this was actually teaching me about Voodoo and New Orleans kept me engaged. I'll admit, I would read forward through the…”
On Mar 25 Vetinari commented on sherlock holmes consulting detective_0273196482:
“This case would be awful in the computer game because it is quite clearly far more strict.This is what I said too (back in the introduction post, maybe?), since most of the info is locked by the cryptogram.On what street did Holmes first live in London?In the boardgame there is always a question…”
On Mar 25 arcanetrivia commented on game 38 conquests of camelot speed of:
“Oh dear, I never noticed it before...”
On Mar 24 Busca commented on game 44 altered destiny final rating:
“Another game with interesting ideas and promising ambiance, held back or rather dragged down by technical issues. I really liked the look of some of these screens and there were a few nice traits regarding characters and puzzles, but that immensely frustrating parser alone would have driven me…”
On Mar 23 Busca commented on guest game 1 circuits edge final rating:
“A game with an interesting setting, though not easy to get to grips with in practice, it seems. The CRPG Addict also wrote about Circuit's Edge last year and linked back to Zenic Reverie's playthrough here for people wanting a more detailed account.As I already mentioned there in the…”
On Mar 23 Anonymous commented on missed classic 98 adventure alpha 1984:
“I assure you he’s still alive”
On Mar 23 Busca commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“Same on GOG.”
On Mar 23 Busca commented on game 40 future wars introduction:
“Re Another World by the same company - that was indeed mindblowing for 1991, especially the intro.”
On Mar 23 Busca commented on game 38 conquests of camelot speed of:
“Seeing that graffiti in Latin about calling Berta for a good time, I was expecting some variation on "Romani ite domum" next.”
On Mar 23 Michael commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“Don't think I saw anyone else post this yet: Amzerzone free on Steam”
On Mar 21 Michael commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“Yeah, I stopped here because I knew that 500 screenshots meant it could be a very long post to write. Don't get me wrong -- I'm enjoying the game -- but it is very dialog heavy and takes a while to blog.”
On Mar 21 bigfluffylemon commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“I've finished day 2 now - there's some more for you to do today, but so far the game's beginning is fairly slow paced - lots of dialogue and exposition. I seem to recall that it picks up at some point, but I'm finding it a little tedious - you have to pay attention to everything as…”
On Mar 21 Busca commented on gabriel knight now go do that voodoo:
“Apparently, language is not this game's forte, at least when it comes to others than English - this time mixing up, respectively together the French and Spanish names of Jackson Square.”
On Mar 20 Obdurate Hater of Rhythm Games commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“This game has way too much combat and too few puzzles, and it controls as poorly as it did in the first game. It really ruins the pacing and makes the game a lot more annoying, yet somehow I like this game.”
On Mar 19 MenhirMike commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I have some nostalgic fondness for AITD 2 and 3 because they were my first ones (and I love 2's Pirate Theme a lot!), but I get that it has a weird difficulty curve and trades (too much) of 1's horror setting for pure action. Still, I'll go with 54 because I still think it's a great…”
On Mar 19 Vetinari commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
On Mar 18 Busca commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“Hmm, let's say 53.”
On Mar 18 ShaddamIVth commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I'll go for 56. The 3D models are already looking a lot better already, they may be a bit brightly coloured but at least I can clearly see what they are supposed to be and be doing.”
On Mar 18 Melfina commented on game 36 hugos house of horrors:
“Also, keep in mind the brain goes off quickly but is very nutrient-rich.”
On Mar 18 MorpheusKitami commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I don't remember anything like that when I played it in DOSbox a few years ago. As to the themes, maybe, but that's not unusual for this series, because it all comes back to that, even in the original.”
On Mar 18 MorpheusKitami commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I don't remember exactly at what point Raynal quit, but he had some influence on the direction this game took, at the very least the general idea and the house were his. The combat, meanwhile was the producer's addition, who of course was responsible for all the good things in AitD1. ;)”
On Mar 18 Agrivar commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I'll guess a 47.If the combat becomes difficult, I remember using mainly the kick because, with the right timing, it had enough reach to hit the enemies without them being able to retaliate. Also, don't be afraid to use firearms if you're unable to win fights with melee attacks only (do…”
On Mar 18 LeftHanded Matt commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“It's been decades since I last played this, but my memory is telling me this was a better game than the first - or at least a more interesting one. However, the stronger focus on combat likely means it won't score as well with the PISSED system. I'll guess 44.”
On Mar 18 Alex Romanov commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“pretty sure the issues dont exist in dosbox”
On Mar 18 Michael commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“Let's go with 51. Leo and Rowan have me a little scared with their comments, so I don't think this will reach the heights of the predecessor. ”
On Mar 18 Rowan Lipkovits commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“I recall that the trident puzzle had a timing issue on modern systems, I am curious to see if that's still a problem with the new ways people play old games.All the themes this game taps are really like taking a fistful of crayons to spice up your drawing with bold colour, then you scribble…”
On Mar 18 Laukku commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
On Mar 18 Andy_Panthro commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“yeah the combat has me worried, it wasn't the best part of the first game and I hope I don't get stuck on this one.”
On Mar 18 Andy_Panthro commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“it's the version from, so I assume it's the CD version!”
On Mar 18 Alex Romanov commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“this is a classic.Upbeat, and weird, sure .. but that intro with the detective guy climbing all over the mansion was top notch back in 1993. I still remember getting this game as a gift, with that damn copy protection cards.Btw, which version are you playing ? CD or original Floppies (9 discs if I…”
On Mar 18 Leo Vellés commented on game 158 alone in dark 2 1993:
“Everything that the first game got right, the sequel gets it wrong. I tried it once or twice back in the day, but the difficulty of the first minutes of the game made me quit very fast. I didnt even get into the house. I suppose that the absence of the lead designer of the first game is responsible…”
On Mar 17 ShaddamIVth commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“I'll be the hopeful one and shoot for 60, the graphics are indeed very nice. And the recaps are great, especially with convoluted games like these where it is not always easy to explain what is going on as they happen.”
On Mar 17 Michael commented on the year ahead 1994:
“Vetinari, we know that the games won't be played in the order expected; many of our reviewers have been having trouble juggling real life with their fun lately. So as soon as you're able, it will be the right time. There's a couple of 1993 games left anyways, so a couple of months is…”
On Mar 17 Vetinari commented on the year ahead 1994:
“Both "Death Gate" and "Superhero League of Hoboken" were in the last months of the year, so I think when we get to that point we will see who will be available to cover them.I would like to start "Dragonsphere" (Jan 1994), but right now I am not in a good situation…”
On Mar 17 MorpheusKitami commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Thanks. Yeah, I plan on playing as many Japanese games as I can stomach, with the ultimate goal being a Macintosh game called Alex-World. That's not the best game by far, but it is the one that seems like it'll be the most difficult to play.”
On Mar 17 MorpheusKitami commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Are they? I thought it was body horror having a resurgence, since I could have sworn that one Demi Moore film was either at the Oscars or people were complaining that it wasn't at the Oscars.”
On Mar 17 MorpheusKitami commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“My personal observation is that it might be connected to the main character coming off as a monster far too well. There are films centered around characters like this depiction of Dracula, and while people like them, they are generally considered very creepy and don't appeal to that many…”
On Mar 16 Kirinn commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Now this I'm on board for! This game's always looked intriguing to me.”
On Mar 16 Leo Vellés commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Just to keep on the momentum, I guess 51”
On Mar 16 Michael commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Let's go with 49. Nice graphics.”
On Mar 16 Busca commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Just watched that intro video. Wow, lots of text indeed.I've not caught up yet by far, but I understand you've played (and plan to play) several Japanese games for the blog which do not have English translations and for that alone already you deserve kudos! It's great to be able to thus…”
On Mar 15 Andy_Panthro commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“feels like vampires (in the movies anyway) are having a little bit of a resurgence, and always nice to see an unusual dracula game.Not sure how well this will score, the story so far seems a bit odd, so I'll guess 48”
On Mar 15 Hadean commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“Definitely seems interesting so far -- I would have loved to try this game back then (in English or German, mind you). Thanks for (un)covering it (and all these missed classics).”
On Mar 15 Anonymous commented on game 19 leisure suit larry 2 cruise for:
“Hello from 13 years in the future! I wonder if you may have inadvertently cheated to get the passport - according to Al Lowe, if you start the game using the copy protection cheat (using his birthday for the phone number), then an inventory cheat is activated, where you can 'obtain any…”
On Mar 15 Alex Romanov commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“no idea, will guess a 50”
On Mar 15 Laukku commented on missed classic 137 dracula hakushaku:
“55, being apparently more adventure-y than the usual Japanese game of this era probably helps. On the other hand I don't imagine this being a hidden gem either, being very obscure. VNDB score is slightly lower than Urotsukidouji's which got 57 here.”
On Mar 14 bigfluffylemon commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“I finished day 1 and a bit of a mixed bag so far IMO.Gameplay wise, there is a lot of talking, which can make it a bit difficult to narrow down what's important and what's a red herring. The general adventure game rule of thumb is ask everyone about everything, but the game doesn't…”
On Mar 14 LeftHanded Matt commented on police quest open season won:
“Very good job getting through this one! I couldn't take any more of navigating the police station floors myself. The story really is a mess - they needed the Jim Walls touch, clearly.”
On Mar 13 Nicolas Ford commented on interview with muriel tramis:
“It's inspiring to read how Muriel Tramis overcame challenges and paved the way for diversity in gaming.”
On Mar 13 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Sorry, I meant to highlight that as two separate points. You're right about the legalities, but he really was extra jerky.”
On Mar 13 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Best I can tell, you can repeat it ad nauseum. But so, so many games did that. Some acknowledged it (like SOMI) but still let you do it non-stop.”
On Mar 13 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“I haven't read the ROT-13 yet, but others have mentioned below that there's little chance of dead-ending, so I'm feeling a little better.”
On Mar 13 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“@Ross - Okay, so I haven't played past this post yet. But so far, I think you're being a little hard on the game. The game gave me the clues and pushes to explore the things I did. The phone message to visit Grandma, Grace telling me about the research places, and so on. Grandma told me…”
On Mar 13 Ross commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“This period for Sierra, and this game in particular, I think really struggle with plot-driven time, such that quite often you find yourself having to wander around looking for things to do with no real plot reason for them to have to happen NOW, other than that the game expects them to have been…”
On Mar 13 Ross commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“An ironic choice of terms given that it's a game about voudon.”
On Mar 13 arcanetrivia commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“The storekeeper is a bit of a jerk, he tries to claim that he’s just a novelty shop owner and nothing here is real.Typical disclaimer given the law -- one can't claim actual effects, especially medical/curative ones, for supposedly magical items. They're always marked things like "for…”
On Mar 12 Vetinari commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Now why does he look like The Man with the Yellow Hat?I chuckled at that, because my baby daughter is currently obsessed with Curious George.”
On Mar 12 Vetinari commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Seconded what Laukku says about dead-ends in this game.”
On Mar 12 Laukku commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“*gasp* What a twist!”
On Mar 12 Alex Romanov commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“yeah, I think some events or situations can be done in multiple days. This is a nice Sierra game for a change. You can still die, but I think there are no zombie situations”
On Mar 12 Busca commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“PS [you can delete this once read]: It seems Peacock TV is only accessible from the US, but you can find The Man with the Yellow Hat also e.g. here or”
On Mar 12 Busca commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Paperboy! That takes me back... .I wonder if you can go back again and again asking for another picture until you finally copy the file? The first repeat already feels like adventure game logic instead of real life. Unless they built in an alternative solution, it would be a dead end and reload…”
On Mar 12 arcanetrivia commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“As I recall that led to a good deal of me wandering around in confusion wondering what the heck I hadn't done to trigger things to continue, and leaning heavily on a walkthrough as a result...”
On Mar 12 arcanetrivia commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“I dunno, have we checked under her bed for a mysterious cloak and ring? 😂”
On Mar 12 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“If that's true, then either I didn't absolutely need to get the photocopy of the police file, or I could have waited for another day. Time will tell.But it feels like I could have skipped so much I did on this day, and still advance the day. If this is true, all I needed to do was visit…”
On Mar 12 Andy_Panthro commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“"I sit down and talk to Grandma -- well, I interrogate her."oh what big ears you have, Grandma... (wait this isn't that kind of Sierra game)”
On Mar 12 Laukku commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Ab qrnq raq urer.Regarding dead ends in general in this game, V qba'g guvax lbh pna or qrnq-raqrq hagvy qnl gra naq rira gura vg'f boivbhf rabhtu.”
On Mar 12 Agrivar commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“I think that in "Gabriel Knight" they tried to avoid unwinnable situations, because the game will not advance to the next day if you still have things to do in the current one.”
On Mar 12 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“(But please remember to use ROT-13 as appropriate)”
On Mar 12 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“I'm not sure what I think about the museum situation yet, because his absence did let me play with things like the coffin and fan, and learning about these in his absence might help me later, I expect. And I didn't exactly mention that I brute-forced a lot more times on the clock, but soon…”
On Mar 12 Michael commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Is it something I needed to do on day one, and I'm dead-ended? Or is this something that can also be done the next day?I'm okay with being told if I'm in a dead-end during this game. ”
On Mar 12 Anonymous commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“"He leaves the room; I quickly look around but can’t find anything to take or operate."Look around more carefully; there is something you need to do in his absence.”
On Mar 12 Laukku commented on gabriel knight house of rising sun:
“Wow, good job on doing some stuff this early, the clay in particular is one of the most notorious pixel hunts in the game. When I first played, I left the clock for later because I assumed it to be big enough of a puzzle that necessary hints would turn up in following days.The design choice to have…”
On Mar 11 arcanetrivia commented on police quest open season won:
“Our house was built in the mid-1950s and has razor slots in the bathroom cabinets. I have no idea if either of them has ever actually been used. I guess we'll find out if the house is ever rebuilt or significantly remodeled while we're still living in it!”
On Mar 11 Ross commented on police quest open season won:
“Also, gentle reader, if today is the day you learned about razor slots, congratulations on being part of today's lucky 10,000. ("People in the first 2/3 of the 20th century used to shove rusty, blood-covered razor-sharp pieces of metal into a hole in the wall safe in the assumption that it…”
On Mar 10 ShaddamIVth commented on police quest open season won:
“First of all, good job finding a way to incorporate what I assume is one of your favourite sports into the post. If I did any of this sort of writing there would be more F1 references than Latifi could crash into.Despite all the many very valid gripes about the game you do have to appreciate the…”
On Mar 10 PsOmA commented on police quest open season won:
“I agree - this completely reeked of a game that had set itself up (fairly) well before getting the "OK, time to wrap this up, pronto" call. Halfway through I was actually proud of the conclusion I was starting to piece together before having it pissed back into my face. I'm glad I…”
On Mar 10 PsOmA commented on police quest open season won:
“Thanks for another highly entertaining playthrough Alex. Looks like one of my resort-to-walkthrough predictions came good (finding the rope in the alleyway). My other being finding the pretzels though you managed to hit upon them (though not for the purpose I used them for - multiple-solutions...…”
On Mar 09 Michael commented on police quest open season won:
“I'm just off-put with the pictures of Cousin Lurch entering the elevators. Since the average height of an elevator's doors is 7-8 feet, this means our detective gave up a lucrative NBA contract for the noble calling of public service.”
On Mar 09 Michael commented on police quest open season won:
“And nothing else. This is the saddest medicine cabinet I’ve ever seen.But it's an old cabinet and it's missing the razor slot. Unrealistic, I want my money back!Seriously, though, good job with a crappy game, Alex.”
On Mar 09 Busca commented on police quest open season won:
“@Laukku: Oh, sure, I was well aware that "What will the restaurant's restrooms look like?" is not the same as "Will there be a knife-wielding murderer hiding on the next floor?", though you might also encounter the latter in the former, it's a question of probability. I…”
On Mar 09 Ross commented on police quest open season won:
“There's one puzzle in the tower section of the game that involves violence against a dog, and it's kinda played for laughs. ”
On Mar 09 MorpheusKitami commented on police quest open season won:
“I know this isn't true, but a lot of the screenshots in this post feel like you photoshopped them. Everything that isn't part of the background feels pasted in. I know people will eventually make FMV games that don't look like this, but man, this was a rough finale to the regular Police…”
On Mar 09 MorpheusKitami commented on police quest open season won:
“I really don't remember anything that bad about Noctropolis. The worst thing I can think of from that game was human on human.”
On Mar 09 MorpheusKitami commented on police quest open season won:
“At least this game has the excuse that we don't see the aftermath of the player's crappy policework, TV shows, some of which go on for years, seem to have some major character go crazy because this time, the suspect has gone too far. After a while, you start to wonder how they still have…”
On Mar 09 Leo Vellés commented on police quest open season won:
“I meant Alex Romanov's comment, not Alex 'please bring back Jim Walls' ”
On Mar 09 Leo Vellés commented on police quest open season won:
“Gotta say Alex, your playthroughs are my favourite ones, they always made me laugh. It is strange how this game starts all gloomy and realistic and ends all whacky and stupid, but I don't know why I have fond memories of it. And that head in the fridge, yeah, that image is what I most recall of…”
On Mar 09 Leo Vellés commented on police quest open season won:
“I also second Alex's comment about football. And Busca, I also got a Silence of the Lambs vibe in this part of the game, but when Carey is in the room with the killer in there just waiting stupidly and doing nothing, it reminds me of the last stand off of Clarice Sterling and Buffalo Bill in…”
On Mar 08 Showsni commented on police quest open season won:
“That really seemed to go off the rails at the end. So you get no closure about motives? Or about these latest two murder victims? You're meant to find the murderer by... Following a random stray dog? Making every other aspect of the investigation pointless? I wonder if they just ran out of…”
On Mar 08 Laukku commented on police quest open season won:
“There are different degrees of unknown, in a restaurant you expect a narrower range of things than in a madman's apartment.”
On Mar 08 Busca commented on police quest open season won:
“So instead of turning into SWAT, the next game could have been Police Quest V: In Search of the Headless Torso (or what's left of it)? That severed head gave me The Silence of the Lambs vibes.Also “The stairwell leads to the unknown”? Really? It's not like this is true for pretty much every…”
On Mar 08 Busca commented on police quest open season won:
“Wow, this turned into Police Quest: Open Questions. Lots of lazy logistics & loony logic. Congratulations on finishing it nonetheless.Nice adapted Watchmen and Don McLean quotes there.I wonder if the bedroom is a red room because of 'redrum' or if I'm overthinking this and there is…”
On Mar 08 arcanetrivia commented on police quest open season won:
“Ah, I love the smell of pedantry in the afternoon. (really 😁)”
On Mar 08 Michael commented on police quest open season won:
“Okay, you're scaring me. I'm the one who volunteered to play that one...”
On Mar 08 Ross commented on police quest open season won:
“I did not expect this level of cruelty to dogs to be hit in 1993. Now, 1994 will bring us Noctropolis, which is... Oh boy.”
On Mar 08 Ross commented on police quest open season won:
“"hook rug" (no -ed) is appropriate for latchhook, where you shove short pre-knotted lengths of yarn through a plastic grid, sort of the paint-by-numbers version of hook weaving. But the thing is - and admittedly, we are at the mercy of the video quality here - that doesn't look like…”

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