Written by Joe Pranevich
Arr! Finally a pirate adventure I can believe in!
One peek at our leaderboard and the evidence is plain: we love pirate games. Sure you might argue that the
Monkey Island series has fantastic art, great characters, and tons of humor, but that’s not the reason that those games top our charts. No, I can summarize the real reason in one word: pirates. We just
love games about pirates. It doesn’t matter if they have red beards, black beards, or no beards, a game about pirates will always do well here at the Adventure Gamer. Even our #3 game,
Conquests of the Longbow, was so beloved because it’s essentially pirates in the woods. At least, that’s my theory.
Before we can swash and buckle, I should say a few words about this game, but it is difficult to know where to begin. Seas of Blood was one of the final games released by Adventure International UK and shares a bit of pedigree with the Scott Adams adventures that we discussed during my look at the Questprobe series, plus it’s one of the first games written by a prominent adventure developer. Let’s jump right in!
Release the kraken! |