Monday, 6 August 2012

Game 23: Zak McKracken - Introduction

Notice the enhanced edition is still listed as being created in 1988

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders is the second game to utilise the SCUMM engine, with the first being Maniac Mansion. It was initially released in October 1988 on both PC and Commodore 64, but was later ported to the Amiga and Atari ST. While Maniac Mansion’s designers, Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, had some involvement in Zak McKracken (Gilbert with design and technical support and Winnick with graphics), the project was predominately led by a guy named David Fox. Fox had been a SCUMM scripter on Maniac Mansion, and given how complicated that task turned out to be (due to multiple characters and puzzle solutions), he’d gained enough skills to design his own game.

Awesome cover that pretty much sums up the genre. A hero holding a loaf of bread and a fishbowl!

The project was co-designed and co-programmed by Matthew Kane, but strangely that name doesn’t appear on any other LucasArts games. Other notable employees involved in the project were Martin Cameron and Mark J. Ferrari (graphics / artwork) and David Hayes and David Warhol (music / sound). All of those four names would be associated with future LucasArts classics such as The Secret of Monkey Island, Loom and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. It’s worth noting that, just like Maniac Mansion, an enhanced version of Zak McKracken for PC was released a few months after the original. The only differences between versions one and two appear to be graphical, with an increased resolution and the use of bitmaps making the enhanced version look significantly better, without changing the gameplay at all.

Zak McKracken Version 1: The Green Wiggle Saves Earth

Also similarly to Maniac Mansion, players of Zak McKracken are required to control multiple characters to achieve their goals. Set in 1997, the story revolves around Francis Zachary McKracken, a writer for the National Inquisitor, who along with Annie Larris (a freelance scientist), Melissa China and Leslie Bennett (both Yale University students), must attempt to foil some sort of alien infiltration. It appears the aliens have built a stupidity machine, and are using it to lower the intelligence of the human race. Fox was heavily inspired by popular alien theories, and the game visits many of the hotspots that come up while musing about alien visitations and mysterious civilizations. These include Egypt, Mexico, Stonehenge, Atlantis and Mars. In fact, Fox consulted with a spiritual writer (aka pseudo-scientist) named David Spangler while coming up with the games’ themes. It was originally going to be a much more serious-toned game before Gilbert and Kane recommended Fox inject more humour.

Zak McKracken Version 2: It's amazing what you can do with 16 colors if you try!

I had no issues finding a playable version of Zak McKracken, but it wasn’t particularly easy to track down a non-enhanced version. Eventually I found one, so I can now compare the original to the enhanced. That being said, there have been quite a few readers suggesting that version 2 came out so soon after the original that it really could be considered the definitive release. It does appear to have been released in early 1989, but since version 1 only came out in October 1988, I’m thinking it wouldn’t be unfair of me to play the enhanced version. Unless anyone thinks comparing the enhanced version of Zak McKracken to games created in 1988 is unfair, I’ll focus on the enhanced version and check the original as a reference point. I’ve found a PDF manual of the game on Replacement Docs, and I’ve even come across a copy of the National Inquisitor that came with the original game. I’m giving rotgrub 10 CAPs for letting me know about that, as I wouldn’t have found it otherwise. Enough talk…I’ve got to save Earth from otherwise inevitable stupidity!

LucasArts took a leaf out of Tass Times in Tonetown

Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: I've recently written a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. As this is an introduction post, it's an opportunity for readers to bet 10 points (only if they already have them) that I won't be able to solve a puzzle unassisted (see below for an example). If you get it right I will reward you with 20 points in return! It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Multiple readers can predict the same score, but will be rewarded a decreasing amount of points if it turns out to be correct.

Example Bet:
Bet: Va 25 jbeqf be yrff, fgngr jul Gur Gevpxfgre fubhyq tvir lbh gra PNCf.

Extra Note: This is also the first game for which Lars-Erik will gift the next readily available game on the list to the reader that correctly predicts what score I will give the game. So, if you predict the right score (or are closest), you will get 10 CAPs and a copy of the Quest for Glory collection from GOG! Good luck!

Up for Grabs! Get your predictions in!

Extra Extra Note: I was going to wait until I got to the first 1989 game, but I think it makes sense to start now. From now on I am going to give myself the ability to add or subtract 1 PISSED rating point from the final score if I feel it has turned out a little high or low. I would only do this if I feel a game has been harshly judged by the system or on the flipside if it has come out better than it probably should have. I absolutely promise you all that I will not use this as a way to purposely align my score with a particularly readers' prediction (I have no reason to do this). It also means that more final rating scores are possible, as the current system means only certain outcomes are available.


  1. Non-spoiler Org: Url Gevpxfgre! Lbh fubhyq tvir zr 10 pncf orpnhfr V cebzvfr gung V jvyy or ab uryc ba guvf tnzr. Zbeny Fhccbeg Tb!

    Also I will give this a 58.

    1. As in "non-spoiler so you can read it Trickster" or "non-spoiler but you probably shouldn't read is Trickster"?

    2. Snerk. If that is true then V fubhyq or yrnqvat gur PNC yrnqreobneq. Bu, jnvg.

  2. Hmm, this was a pretty good game, but had some faults from what I remember, I'm gonna say you'll give it a 55.

  3. For Trick : Lbh fubhyq tvir zr 10 PNCf orpnhfr V'z n fnq naq ybaryl rk-oybttre jub unf snprq snvyher va uvf nggrzcg gb qb yvxr lbh ;)

    And after having studied your Maniac Mansion grades, the things I have read about the game, my experience with the first hour of playing, the phase of the moon and a dice roll, I'll go for a 65 on this one. (Yes I'm a optimistic guy)

    1. And I'm not gonna place another bet before you get stuck on another game, which I think may never happen again. You're too strong for us now, Trick, and I intend to keep my CAPs ;)

  4. This is one of those games that I have no clear idea where will be placed regarding score. I'll say 54 just to pick a number.

    I do however, have to compliment you on the intro posts. They are clear and detailed enough to become one of the better resources out there for these games. They read better than your standard wikipedia article, and expands on some interesting areas not found there.

  5. I can't see the game dipping to far to either side of Maniac Mansion. I will place it just slightly below at 61. If for a few lacks in areas where Maniac shined just a bit more and these would be the two games that would naturally be judged against each other for comparison.

    1. As a side note, Maniac Mansion (at least some versions) also came with an in universe pack in of a college bulletin board style poster. Both versions of which can be seen here: Ah the good old days when you got more in a game box besides a manual where the warnings at the front of it weren't the majority of the content. :P

  6. I have many good, if somewhat blurry, memories of Zak (even when I played a pirated non-enhanced version, had a barely readable photocopy of the copy protection codes, and had no idea of the existence of the newspaper/manual, so it was quite a challenge!). I'm going to be bold and bet it will get a slight edge over Maniac Mansion for story and length. My bet is 65.

    1. Aw just saw that Alfred already gave it a 65, so even when it's not needed I'd like to change my bet to 64.

  7. I'm going to hazard a guess at 57 points.
    I've actually given this game a try, the start at least. And man, I need to brush up on my adventuring skills. My first run came to an abrubpt standstill when I "qvqa'g abgvpr gur qnza pnfupneq haqre gur qrfx naq gura arire fuhg gur qenjre nobir vg nsgre gung. V nyfb orag zl ohggre xavsr naq chg frireny bs zl vgrzf vagb gur negvsnpg qbbe fybg. V'ir abj cebterffrq n ovg snegure naq pna snyy qbja gur ubyr juvyr qvfthvfrq nf bar bs gur nyvra qhqrf. Cvgl V qbag xabj jung gb qb qbja gurer."

    My favourite thing so far is the fact that "V pbhyq hfr nal ahzore bs vgrzf gb trg gur pnfupneq bhg sebz gur qrfx. Vg qvqa'g unir gb or n fcrpvsvp bar jura nalguvat jbhyq unir jbexrq. V yvxr vg jura nqiragher tnzrf qba'g rasbepr arrqyrff evtvqvgl."

    If anybody wants the read the ROT13 stuff, it's not really spoilers for anything more than the first few minutes of the game, at least to any decent adventurer.

    For Trick "lbh fubhyq tvir zr 10 PNCf orpnhfr bgurejvfr V'yy gryy rirelobql lbhe frperg. =Q"

    1. Zl frperg? V jbaqre juvpu frperg lbh zrna...uzzzz

    2. Fall down hole? What hole? You mean where the bread stick was? Hmmm...

  8. I remember Zak being a really long and solid game, although I haven't ever replayed it. Now I think I will give it a shot, this time with the FM Towns version. I remember many individual scenes and images vividly, but really little details about the gameplay and the plot. I remember the following things:
    -Decent plot with a good sense of humor
    -Lots of locations
    -Lots of inventory items and objects to interact with

    I predict a score of 63.

  9. I'll go with 57. Because I think it will score slightly less than Maniac Mansion and nobody's guessed 57 yet.

    And I'll be playing along (FM Towns version) unless I get bored or frustrated - I lasted exactly one puzzle with Police Quest 2 and have so far solved 5 or so puzzles in Zak so I've lasted longer already.

    1. That'll teach me to make a cup of coffee half while writing a post. Somebody's already guessed 57. Can I change to 56?

    2. Of course. You can change your mind as often as you want...until the first gameplay post of course.

  10. I've started playing too and I'm currently really loving it! Considering it's the only Lucasarts adventure game I've never completed before, I sure hope I'll be able to see it through.

    By the way, is it me or is the reading of Trick's adventures really improving our adventurer skills? I feel better at this than I've ever been, and it had been months since I last played an adventure game!

    You should create an university course : Trickster 101 or how to become better at adventuring!

    About the game, watch out because I found a nasty bug near the beginning in one of the versions I've tried : Nf fbba nf lbh tnva npprff gb gur bgure punenpgref, vs lbh fjvgpu gb gur tveyf ba Znef, lbh pna'g gbhpu nalguvat va gur ina : vg'f n oht, abg n chmmyr, naq jba'g bpphe qrcraqvat juvpu irefvba lbh'er cynlvat.

    No problem in the FM Towns version, though.

  11. WOW! My first CAPs! And I didn't even try to get 'em! :D

    Okay, I was gonna try to edge this above Maniac Mansion, simply because it came afterward and they probably improved on it since then. But I see some of my guesses are taken... so I'll go with 62.

    1. Apparently I was an early adopter, as the version I remember playing was the NON-enhanced version. Interesting how they released two versions one after the other.

  12. I hope Chumazik doesn't mind me copy + pasting this post here. I just figure people are more likely to read it here:

    Attention Trickster and anyone else who will be playing Zak:

    I just discovered a nasty bug with ScummVM 1.5 that makes it so you can't complete the game. Melissa and Leslie can't access anything inside the Shuttlebug. They just say "I can't reach that"

    I tried replaying up to that point and loading saves from 6 months ago only to have the same problem.

    I went back to ScummVM 1.4.1 and loaded my old save, and everything works fine. The only problem is that saves from 1.5 don't work with 1.4.1 so you will have to start over.

    Here is a link to old ScummVM versions:

    I'll be doing another playthrough with 1.4.1 just to make sure everything works.

  13. I'd say 60, with all its flaws it was really entertaining and well written.

  14. Hmm, don't know anything about the game, so I'll go with a bet of 53. I was going to say higher, but those were taken already.

  15. I'll go with 59. I would definitely like a chance to get a copy of Quest for Glory.

    1. Trickster's Challenge: Abeznyyl, V qba'g ort, ohg V qrfreir gur cbvagf nf yblny ernqre, sbetbvat zl bja oybt hcqngrf gb ernq lbhef. V'yy hcqngr fbba...

  16. 52. I was thinking 53.. but.. well.. you know.

  17. This will probably land somewhere close to Maniac Mansion, but how close? It has a more complex plot and better graphics, but then again, it has a bit more fragmented structure and some puzzles are not so obvious, so it'll probably get less points. Let's say 59 and stand in queue after Zenic (I assume Lars-Erik will reward only the first guesser, but I'll still get some CAPs).

    1. And since no one else seems to have guts for betting anymore, I'll take a chance. Bet: Lbh jvyy cebonoyl znxr n erdhrfg sbe nffvfgnapr qhr gb zbargnel ceboyrzf, gung vf, lbh'yy unir qvssvphygvrf trggvat rabhtu zbarl. With my luck, you'll find the solution for this without any help...

    2. I was going to say that I must have the CAPs, because my birthday's coming soon, but it's still three weeks for that (still, it would be cool if we all got 10 CAPs when we had our birthdays, 20 with round figures). So I'll just stick with this:

      V arrq 10 PNCf gb tvir njnl nf n cevmr bs zl arkg punyyratr.

    3. Yes, a challenge for Trickster! Others may also take part, but we'll see, if I have any extra CAPs to share as a prize ;) This time I'll have two requests. Can you get through the game without harming any animals? And can you find all the places where you might harm animals?

    4. Illmari: I wasn't even aware you could harm any animals, but I've seen two of them so far (and not hurt either of them!).

    5. I admit I had a hearty laugh back in the day when I -inadvertently- harmed a certain animal. I still remember it, though I'm not necessarily proud of it.

    6. I just found out that David Fox was behind the infamous hamster in the microwave –scene in Maniac Mansion, so these things can apparently be expected… There’s a series of interviews with Fox in Youtube that reveal more about his involvement in the early Lucasfilm games, and of course, Zak, if anyone is interested. Here’s the link to the first episode, there’s three more after that (avoid the third or the Zak episode, if you don’t want spoilers):

      @Andy: I am not actually sure which is more difficult, to harm the animals or not, but I’ll expect clear knowledge on both in ROT13 (please, no gory details), before I’ll announce the winner :)

      @Charles: I understand you completely because I also stumbled on these sad events accidentally – and I think laughing was mostly because the results were so unusual for the time, instead of finding the act itself pleasing. (Out of context, this conversation would probably sound disturbing ;) Folks, it is digital animals we are speaking here! No real animals were harmed when playing this game.)

    7. You never know, they may have needed motion capture ;)

  18. Ah Zak. I played for about an hour maybe last night, and it was tough. The puzzles aren't necessarily very obvious, but thankfully I'd made a few early savegames so I could go back without having to restart completely.

    As for the possible score, I can't see this getting more than Maniac Mansion, but it'll surely be close. All of the reasonable guesses are taken, so I'll agree with daubeur and say 60!

    As an aside, looking back at the previous games, I'm kinda disappointed for PQ2 that it didn't reach the 60s. Mind you, I have lots of nostalgic memories of Sierra's games which kinda get in the way of my objectivity.

    And my message for Trickster (why are we all putting this in ROT13?): Lbh fubhyq tvir zr 10 pncf pbf V arrq gurz sbe n frperg cebwrpg!

    1. btw, is it possible to get the game to an unwinnable state? In MM you can do it, and I think that in later Lucasarts games you cannot, but how is it with Zak? I see many potential places, but I am not sure how the game handles them..

    2. Vg vf cbffvoyr gb trg gb na hajvaanoyr fgngr. 6 jnlf, nppbeqvat gb Fgengrtl Jvxv.


    3. I think in a few weeks, the whole blog will be in rot 13...

    4. Gung jnf n fcbvyre Nyserq! Lbh xabj gur ehyrf! ;)

    5. V vzntvar jr'yy unir gb fjvgpu gb n qvssrerag rapbqvat fbba nf jr'yy nyy or noyr gb ernq EBG13 jvgubhg nffvfgnapr. Urpx, Pnantrrx cebonoyl qbrf nyernql. :-)

    6. Vg'f irel rnfl gb fgneg erpbtavmvat cnvef bs yrggref, V'z fgnegvat gb cvpx hc pregnva jbeqf. Gura ntnva, vg qbrf pbzr va unaql vs V'z ernqvat ba zl vcbq. Vg'f cerggl rnfl gb genafyngr va zl urnq.

    7. I can't read it; I can pick out a little bit, but I have a learning disability that means I don't see individual letters when I read, I see the shape of the word. It does mean I can read blazingly fast on words I know, but if you reverse a word, scramble it, put it in cursive or a bad font, or remove the spaces I have a lot of trouble reading it.

      Also my spelling is balls, since I just get the word close to the shape, but will often miss, flip or add letters.

    8. For the record I haven't noticed any problems with your spelling Canageek. :-)

    9. Oh, and I noticed your ROT13 name is "Pnantrrx", which is pretty badass. Mine, "Puneyrf"... not so much.

    10. Ab cyrnfr Gevpx! V qvqa'g jnag gb fcbvy nalguvat sbe nalobql, V unira'g cynlrq gur oybt va n srj jrrxf lrg, vg jnf bayl n thrff!

      And by the way : Faris is a girl...


    11. Wt ks sjsf ush hwfsr ct fch13, ks qob ozkomg acjs cbs biapsf id.

      (Interesting to see who gets this first... Here's some help: uggc://jjj.ebg-a.pbz/)

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. @Ilmari: Vsfs'g o uccr cbs: vhhd://kkk.gcastibgwhs.qca/fchl/fchl.dvd

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. @Charles: Hvobyg tcf hvs zwby! Zsh'g gss wt chvsfg qob fsor hvwg... Hvsgs chvsf FCHg kcb'h dfcpopzm ps jsfm giqqsggtiz, psqoigs mci bssr rwttsfsbh rsqfmdhwcb obr sbqfmdhwcb biapsfg.

    16. Kqmt, U idafq m oayyqzf eayq yazfte msa itqdq U iazpqdqp ur iq\’p tmhq fa otmzsq qzodkbfuaz nqomgeq Fduowk iagxp efmdf dqoaszuluzs iadpe.

    17. It took me FAR too long to read all of that. Keep ROT13 I say! ;)

    18. Charles: And that is why I like spell check. These days it isn't too bad, on short words anyway, but it took me a very long time to reach this point.

  19. Got the urge to make a little animation from my experiences with Zak.

    Enjoy: (I'd offer CAPs to whoever gets the joke (which seemed funnier before I made the gif), but I'm saving them for a (not very) SECRET PROJECT.

  20. I think Zak is about on the same level of quality as Maniac Mansion with some parts better and some worse. I'll say it matches the score with a 62.

  21. And, just to join in on the begging for points, Gur Gevpxfgre fubhyq tvir zr gra PNCf fb V pna svaq n evqvphybhf rkphfr gb tvir gurz njnl gb fbzrbar yrff sbeghangr.

  22. you know what, i just found myself a copy of Zak McKraken. I'm joining along on this one!

  23. I'm going to go with 60 and if you count the number of words in this response, you might want to give me some CAPs.

  24. This is a game I *always* wanted to play as a kid - I remember it had a great color ads in some old issue of Computer Gaming Monthly (I think). I very much look forward to the review!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. By the way, Trickster (non-spoiler): V qrfreir 10 PNCf sbe orvat gur svefg bar gb cynl nybat jvgu Gevpxfgre, jvgu Havaivgrq V guvax. Bu lrf V'z cynlvat gung pneq!

  27. I'll take 58, since it is the only one not taken.

    JosephCurwen, kilias2: 52
    Mooki: 53
    Lars-Erik 54
    TBD: 56
    Bleaghhh 57
    Canageek: 58
    Zenic Reverie, Ilmari Jauhiainen: 59
    daubeur, Cush1978: 60
    Jarikith: 61
    rotgrub, Chumazik: 62
    Fenrus: 63
    Charles: 64
    Alfred n the Fettuc: 65

    1. Hate to break this to you Canageek but in the first comment Tk guessed 58.

    2. I sound very optimistic when you put it on a list...

    3. Most people's predictions are very optimistic. A score of even 58 would put this game into the #2 spot of all games played so far.

      Even my own prediction of 53 says that this game will be better than 75% of all games played previously.

    4. Opps. I'll go with 55 then, I think that is free:

      JosephCurwen, kilias2: 52
      Mooki: 53
      Lars-Erik 54
      Canageek: 55
      TBD: 56
      Bleaghhh 57
      Tk: 58
      Zenic Reverie, Ilmari Jauhiainen: 59
      daubeur, Cush1978: 60
      Jarikith: 61
      rotgrub, Chumazik: 62
      Fenrus: 63
      Charles: 64
      Alfred n the Fettuc: 65

    5. Sorry Canageek, but Madgamer said 55 already...

    6. There are far to many of you. I'll have to kill a few of you off. *Gets axe*

      JosephCurwen, kilias2: 52
      Mooki: 53
      Lars-Erik 54
      Madgamer: 55
      TBD: 56
      Bleaghhh 57
      Tk: 58
      Zenic Reverie, Ilmari Jauhiainen: 59
      daubeur, Cush1978: 60
      Jarikith, Canageek: 61
      rotgrub, Chumazik: 62
      Fenrus: 63
      Charles: 64
      Alfred n the Fettuc: 65

    7. Canageek: You've written that list three times and forgotten me for all three! (I agreed with daubeur for 60).

      However, since 60 has been taken twice I'm downgrading to 58 to be with Tk.

      Hopefully I'll get this in before the first gameplay post!

  28. Oh, some Action-Adventure called The Ball is on sale:
    Not sure if it counts as an adventure game, but looks odd and puzzle-like.

    1. And for today it's $5 on Gamers Gate

  29. Since no one else has addressed it, I figured I would.

    I do believe that you need to score the game based on the original version. The graphics are too significantly improved between the two for it to be fair to use the enhanced version. I'm not sure why they released an enhanced version so soon after the original release (6+ months?) and I'm not sure it matters. The blog has been pretty consistent about using the original version if possible, and since it is possible I see no compelling reason not to.

    1. It was actually discussed in the previous blog post "The Adventure Gamer has a sponsor"

      I think seeing as both versions were made in 1988 it was considered more akin to playing an EGA version over a CGA version when both are available.

    2. Also, when everyone has made their PISSED-predictions based on Trickster playing the enhanced version, it would be a bit unfair to change it suddenly to the non-enhanced version.

    3. As Trickster sorts the game by year, I see no issue with playing the enhanced version. They both came out in 1988, and as such it won't be unfair to other games as the year is still the same.

    4. While I think it would definitely have been unfair to rate the enhanced version of Maniac Mansion, I've made the call that it's all cool and groovy for Zak McKracken.

      Besides, I've already played two hours of it now. ;)

  30. If anyone's interested in more history and differences between the versions they can Check out The Lucasarts Museum website.

  31. I intended to post today but it has got away from me. I'll do my best tomorrow!

  32. To be fair, there are WAY more entries then normal. I wonder who could be to blame for that? *Glare*

    JosephCurwen, kilias2: 52
    Mooki: 53
    Lars-Erik 54
    Madgamer: 55
    TBD: 56
    Bleaghhh 57
    Tk, Andy_Panthro: 58
    Zenic Reverie, Ilmari Jauhiainen: 59
    daubeur, Cush1978: 60
    Jarikith, Canageek: 61
    rotgrub, Chumazik: 62
    Fenrus: 63
    Charles: 64
    Alfred n the Fettuc: 65

    1. *giggle*

      Can't sleep on the job anymore Canageek, you need to keep F5'ing and stick a number in as soon as the intro post appears. This time it only took 6 minutes for the numbers to start rolling in. Otherwise you just end up at the back of the line, as I usually do. :|

    2. What the heck am I doing right there at the top again! Oh well this game is no Psycho, so I should stand a much better chance...

  33. If you want to play along, Zak McKracken can be streamed from at: or for the Enhanced version:

    Note that you can't save in the streaming version of DOSBOX they use, but if you want to give it a go with zero set up, give it a try.

  34. Trickster: Lbh fubhyq tvir zr 10 PNCf orpnhfr V'z arj urer naq ba gur jebat raq bs PNC vasyngvba.


Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of the reviewer requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game...unless they really obviously need the help...or they specifically request assistance.

If this is a game introduction post: This is your opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that the reviewer won't be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 50 CAPs in return.
It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All score votes and puzzle bets must be placed before the next gameplay post appears. The winner will be awarded 10 CAPs.

Commenting on old entries: We encourage and appreciate comments on all posts, not just the most recent one. There is need to worry about "necroposting" comments on old entries, there is no time limit on when you may comment, except for contests and score guesses.