Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Fascination - Fingering lingerie

Written by Ilmari

Pretty thick book for this game
Last time I had just found a vial full of mysterious chemical, hidden it among ice cubes and made out with Robaire de la Cafetiere (seriously, this name). Now I was on my way to Quantum Laboratories, where I was supposed to meet its CEO, Jeffrey Miller.

I found a phone booth just outside the Laboratories, so I thought calling Mr. Miller again. Turns out he had to leave due to some alarming call, but he left some instructions for me in his office. He also gave me a code, which would help me move in the building.

Mr. Miller had said the receptionist would have been told I was coming. As you might have guessed, it wasn’t that easy.

I am smelling something fishy

There was an interesting key hanging from a nail, but when I tried to move my hand close to it, a ferocious dog appeared behind the counter. Luckily, all it required was some sugar to make the dog ignore me.

I couldn’t get anything else out of the receptionist, but I could enter the parking hall of Quantum Laboratories. I found an elevator, which required a code and a keycard to use. I had the code, but I still required the keycard. A man was sleeping beside the elevator, but he couldn’t help me.

 Apparently Doralice isn’t such stuff as sexy dreams are made of

Within the parking hall was a locked door leading to the storage room of cleaning staff. Fortunately, the key I had snitched from the reception unlocked it. The room itself was dark, but I did have a flashlight to use.

I don’t know if the producers purposefully introduced a lesbian character,
but apparently this cleaning lady enjoys feminine shapes

Within the storage room I found an open door, and when I closed it, I noticed an overall hanging on the door. Searching the overall, I found keys to the car of the cleaning lady. I quickly found her car by trying the key to every vehicle, but the door was jammed. Now the sleeping bum had a helpful advice: I had to kick the wheel. Within the car, I finally found a keycard for the elevator.

Going up...

Still going up…

And upper…

How many floors I have to travel?

Weird to see kids in office buildings

What was that?

Can’t be far now

Arriving at Jeffrey Miller’s office, I found his dead body. Searching the corpse, I found a cassette. All I needed was something to listen it with.

Kids, this is what we used for storing music long before any iPods

It’s not the size that counts

Jeffrey Miller had as impeccable taste in literature as he had in lamp stands, Searching around his bookshelf, I found a secret compartment containing his stash of whisky. Within that stash, I found another secret compartment with a dictaphone. The machine had no visible power source. What could I do?

I pressed her buttons

Of course, the dictaphone worked on solar power, which was provided by the lamp - yeah, wonky physics. As his last words, Jeffrey Miller told me that he wanted to gift his inhibition lowering drug to the government (I am sure the current president of USA would love to get his hand on that stuff).

Only three prototype vials existed. One was safely hidden with my ice cubes. One vial Miller had given to his son, Kenneth. The third vial had been stolen by “Doc” Peter Hillgate, the bad guy that was mentioned in the manual. My next task was to retrieve this third vial and then take the two I had to Kenneth Miller.

Now, where would a well-known criminal have his hiding place?

Where else but in a lingerie store?

Looking around the shop, I firstly found yet another newspaper, this time telling that Doc Hillgate had celebrated his birthday couple of months ago. Otherwise, I had nothing else to do but to enter one of the three changing booths.

There’s a kind of running joke going through with all the booths - the clerk, who appears to be female, rushes in just, when Doralice is trying on some panties, and admires the view. Definite lesbian undertones here.

The pose never changes, but the colour of the panties does

In addition to these poses, each booth had something peculiar in it. One booth contained a scrap of an article telling about accidents in kitchen caused by toxic fumes from mixtures of dangerous substances. In another booth I found a stiletto shoe. But the third booth was the most interesting, since from there I could approach a closed door.

It’s a bit worrying when I am not allowed to save

Doralice opened up the door a little bit and if I made her open it all the way, I was caught red-handed.

The death screen

I had to notice a small bell at the top of the door, which I had to silence first, before going further in. The backroom was full of pictures of naked ladies - a further proof of the leanings of the salesperson. The women had interesting names: Greedy Fanny, Chantal the perverse ingenue, Isabelle the rebel and Stormy and tender Roland. Well, I guess that last one wasn’t meant to be a lady.

Caption contest

Folding the picture of Roland revealed a key, and behind some crates I had found a safe where it fit. Even though I managed to open the lock, the bar of the safe was slightly jammed. Luckily I had that stiletto shoe to hit it with. A further obstacle was that the safe had no handle and the surface was too smooth to take a grip. On the shelf I found a magnetic label, which helped me to open the safe. Last obstacle was a three-letter code lock with only the letters in the word CODE to use - turns out “DOC” Hillgate had made the basic mistake of choosing his nickname as the password.

The safe contained a passage to Doc’s secret hideout and laboratory. If you didn’t remember it from the introduction, Doc really was a doctor, that is, a plastic surgeon (and here I thought there would be more big bucks in that business than in a life of crime).

Our younger readers might not recognise this,
but we used to store unanswered phone calls to these devices

 Brown Dragon, might this person be related to you?

The only message in the answering machine that really interested me concerned a certain “clean-up operation”. Turns out the “patient” of the operation had called the very hotel I was living, just before the operation took place. The person calling was asking the Doc whether amputation would be necessary. This didn’t sound good, so I thought it best to erase the messages from the tape.

Next to the answering machine were all sorts of instruments, but the only thing I could really take was a scalpel. I also searched a doctor’s coat, where I found a surgeon’s mask and a key, which fortunately unlocked the closet nearby.

A literal boner

I was meant to look for the vial that had been stolen from Jeffrey Miller and so I started searching the closet. The top shelf was full of Doc Hillgate’s works on plastic surgery - “False nose and false breasts”, “Smooth skin on the buttocks” and “Erectile artificial members” (do I detect a pattern here?).

On the second shelf, I found a set of photos of one and the same man. Interestingly, the photos were signed by Lou Dale. I had seen that name way back at the beginning of the game, when I was reading a magazine dedicated to ample breasts. I also had seen the first half of the phone number of Lou Dale. This was definitely a Chekhov’s gun just waiting to be shot.

Just so you wouldn’t think this was a game for only male gaze

I did find a glass jar, which contained two vials, although the third one should have been in possession of Kenneth Miller. What was going on? Anyway, I broke the jar with the stiletto shoe and took possession of the vials.

Maybe I should start using them too

There were two doors leading out of the laboratory, but the other one was locked. After opening the other door, Doralice returned to the hotel. I think this is quite enough for one post. The plot is certainly getting thicker and the innuendos racier.

Session time: 2 hours
Total time: 5 hours

Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game for me...unless I really obviously need the help...or I specifically request assistance. In this instance, I've not made any requests for assistance. Thanks!


  1. Caption: "Hey! It's not *that* little!"

  2. Caption : "is that a key under your hand or are you just glad to see me?"

  3. Yes, it is. Gòod to see cousin Lecherous is getting some sun.


Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of the reviewer requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game...unless they really obviously need the help...or they specifically request assistance.

If this is a game introduction post: This is your opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that the reviewer won't be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 50 CAPs in return.
It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All score votes and puzzle bets must be placed before the next gameplay post appears. The winner will be awarded 10 CAPs.

Commenting on old entries: We encourage and appreciate comments on all posts, not just the most recent one. There is need to worry about "necroposting" comments on old entries, there is no time limit on when you may comment, except for contests and score guesses.