Thursday 15 August 2024

Inca II – Tickle my fancy

By Ilmari

Last time, I failed to pass the space battle initiation test and was forced to choose the other one involving wisdom instead of action.

I probably had received some instructions about what I was supposed to do here, but I accidentally pressed some button during the introductory phase and a big chunk of text just flew by me. Oh well, I guessed I was meant to get rid of the bars, so how hard could it be?

Checking my surroundings, I found a stone on the floor and a feather on top of the guard’s head. Neither of them did anything with the bars, but I could place the stone in a hole at the gutter, and that made the water flow on one of the statues, as if it was crying.
Now, using the feather on the same statue - to tickle it, I guess - made it smile and descend, lifting away one set of bars.
After that, it was pretty simple to just repeat the same process with the other statue, releasing me from the test.
Outside, I met my father, El Dorado, who told me that having passed the initiation test, I was now worthy of attending the council of wisemen.
Yep, it’s men alright – no woman around this table
I wonder if he flies an open cockpit spaceship? Because he does have the space goggles to shield his eyes from space debris
Kelt Cartier… actually, what is this WWI fighter pilot doing on a ruling council of Incan space empire? Your guess is as good as mine. Anyways, he told the others that the forces of the Ancient Lands (the space conquistadores) had taken armed control of the asteroid causing all the problems, and the mastermind of the operation was none other than Lord AGUIRRE – the bad guy from the previous game. Aguirre’s plan was apparently to scramble all communications between the territories of the Empire and then to enslave it entirely. Cartier was also afraid that the asteroid was more powerful than anything the Incas could send against it.
Atahualpa (that's the guy I am playing) protested and called Cartier a coward. Eldorado promptly discarded his son from the meeting for being so rude. Outside, I was stopped by Doña Angelina, a half-caste of Native American and European descent, who convinced Atahualpa to go and kick some Spanish butt.
You are easily convinced
Before I could do that, I had to steal a spaceship called Tumi.
If he's base, I'll use acid
Let’s see, what could I pick up? Stones, coca leaves, a pole with a rope. I tried to throw the stones at the guard, but he was merely alerted of my presence. I could hide behind some bushes, so that he couldn’t see who was the thrower, but that didn’t get me any further.
Checking further, I found that I could move to a new room where I could place the pole on top of a doorway that the guard would go to after I had thrown the stone. Pulling the rope at the end of the pole did the trick.
That didn't take long - was is just around the next planet?
This was the moment I had been afraid of: my first space battle. I will not attempt to explain the controls, since frankly I don’t understand how to use over half of them (have I ever told you that I hate simulators?). I will go through the different kinds of weapons, since that’s something I tried to learn from the manual:
  • The atomic disintegration gun: this is the easiest weapon to handle – just press firing button and it will shoot like a machine gun, as long as it is not heated too much – but it doesn’t do too much of damage
  • The IA missile: this is a bit stronger, but you first have to get a lock on the target, if you want to hit them. And there’s only five of them
  • The clean nuclear torpedo: just like missile, but it has more firepower and it’s more difficult to lock on target with it
  • The atomic disintegration bomb: I guess this is good for big ships or a group of ships, but for small fighters this is pretty much useless, since I can never hit them with it
  • The grapnel: not really a weapon, but I guess it will be used for some puzzle.
I (almost) hit something
Surprisingly, I wasn’t blown to smithereens during the first minute, because I was saved by a cut scene, where Atahualpa’s mommy and daddy were speaking about their son.
And they were not very happy…
…especially daddy!
I was then back with the flight simulator, but again, I was not tormented long, because daddy Eldorado came to the rescue and took charge of my ship.
It didn’t take long for him to get here - really, is the Incan empire headquarters just by the border of a hostile civilisation? will be grounded to your room for six weeks!
My attack was taken as an act of war by the space conquistadores.
Me and Eldorado were thus under attack by a swarm of enemies, and I could do nothing about it…

Session time: 45 minutes
Total time: 1 h


  1. only the french could make these games. Everything is serious, there's no self reflection nor lampshade hanging.

    I have almost no recollection of the action scenes, but I remember most of the puzzly ones. We'll see how it continues

  2. The Crimson Diamond (Laura Bow 1 -inspired indie adventure game) released:

    I've been waiting for this for years, The Colonel's Bequest is one of my favourite Sierra games.

    1. oh I remember seeing the dev in an interview tons of years ago, an oriental girl if I recall correctly, I thought this was vaporware. I will probably try it out soon. I have no connections nor nostalgia for Laura Bow, but this game could be a good entry to that specific genre

    2. I have an odd history with Colonel's Bequest, I guess. I first got it back when it was new, but my computer at the time still had a CGA monitor, and the game only supported that in black & white, so I lost interest at some point.
      I've since later played it and do really like the game (and the subtle humor) but I don't have as big a nostalgia connection. I had the same issue with Conquests of Camelot, and then I think I was able to convince my grandfather to help me upgrade.

    3. @Alex Her name is Julia Minamata.

  3. Release date (19 September 2024) for Broken Sword 1 remaster:

    1. oh this is huge .. I wonder, is this like the BS2 update they did on Steam a couple of years ago ? where they recompressed the whole game, and added tons of fixes and quality of life upgrades ? Or is it just another game ?

    2. If by a couple of years ago you mean 15 years ago... 😂

    3. nope, I just checked, september of 2022, less than 2 years ago. That's was the great update to BS2, and they also promised a similar one to the first game

    4. Ahhh, I see what you mean! I had no idea they did that, I thought you were talking about BS2 Remastered from 2010.

  4. Honestly, the controls seem to be pretty barren outside of moving around and changing weapons, I'm not even sure you can change targets and you definitely can't change speed. You can, however, press F10 to move your mouse around like one of the puzzle scenes.

    With the CD version I'm playing, you get 10 missiles. They seem to regenerate between missions, unlike in the original, which is very helpful. On the other hand, the voices are pretty bad. Atahualpa sounds like a nasally teen, Eldorado can't act, and the narrator is the guy from Jagged Alliance who tells you that you have a Ruger Redhawk, in good condition. Kelt is the best sounding of the lot, but that could just be because there's not much for him to screw up on.

    I feel like the lady who convinces you to steal the Tumi (which I remember from last game) is going to betray you later to Aguirre, I have no evidence of this yet, just a feeling. Also, was the puzzle screen for stealing the Tumi scrolling? It was in the CD version, and it occasionally pops up later.

    1. I haven't explored the ship controls that much, since frankly, simulators are not really my area of interest. The manual does say that changing the speed should be possible with either + and - or left Shift and Tab keys.

      I think I confused the number of the missiles with the number of torpedoes (?) and there are 10 missiles. And yes, they do regenerate between missions, which is a life saver. I've also been pleasantly surprised that there haven't been that many space battle sequences, and it's possible even to skip some of them.

      Yes, the puzzle screen was scrolling. I'm not really sure if it added anything to the sequence, it might as well have been just two different screens.

      So, at what point you are now? I've finished the game already (but I won't reveal whether you are correct in your hunch) and looked up the CD version in Youtube, and you are definitely right, the voice actors seem excruciating!

    2. I'll check that next time. I'm not quite at the end, so I should be able to check if I can screw around with the speed, that would actually make the game somewhat tolerable, since otherwise I feel like space combat is just there.

      That said, I suspect our experiences will be vastly different as the game goes on, because I suspect this game has a bit of that Wing Commander path branching going on. I've lost a few space battles, but I've also won some of the harder ones.


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