Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Homeworld - Ice and Fire

By Reiko
Part III - Rescue: the start of the second half of the game.
Last time we escaped the clutches of the Phoenix Sect for a third time by triggering a Heechee escape pod on the Artifact, sending us off to who knows where! We've got a new world to explore. I hope I'm wearing something warm enough, because this world looks very cold. The ground is covered with ice, and the ship has crash-landed, softly enough that I don't seem to be injured, but hard enough to have damaged its systems.
Our first look at the new world.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Cracking the Code

by Alex
I’ve done it. After this play session, which had me thinking about ways to inadvertently upset The Adventurers Guild’s moderators and readership how to solve an adventure game’s puzzles long after my sessions ended, I finally understood what Leisure Suit Larry 6 is all about—this:

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Beverly Hillbillies - The Final Rating

By Ilmari
That’s $74.44 in today’s money. The image here is the courtesy of our old friend Trickster, who has been slowly collecting ads, previews, reviews and other stuff of adventure games from his considerable collection of game magazines of the time. You can find all the material here
Despite the low expectations, I’ve had surprisingly enjoyable time with Beverly Hillbillies. The game has had its low points, which I will penalise accordingly, but on the whole it was not as painful an experience as I had imagined. Let’s see how far that will go with ratings.