Friday, 19 December 2014

Game 49: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark - Introduction

Written by Deimar

Long time lurker, first time reviewer. For my first game I’ve chosen none other than the one based on the well-mannered connoisseur, Elvira. If you believed that description, you probably know as much about the character as any non-US citizen or US citizen under thirty. So before we comment on the game, let’s start with a little introduction about the character. Shall we?

You may remember me from other TV series like this one

Elvira is the alter ego of actress Cassandra Peterson. In 1981, the producers of the TV show Fright Night were searching for a new hostess to replace the late Larry Vincent, who had died six years before. They contacted the original Vampira from the infamous Plan 9 from Outer Space to do it (because nothing spells terror like the prospect of having to watch Plan 9), but she refused due to creative differences. Therefore, they started a casting process and Peterson got the position and created the character by applying a sexy punk look on the original Vampira. This brought some court drama, but ultimately Peterson won and started hosting the show which changed its name to Elvira’s Movie Macabre.

I think I can see the appeal...

The show consisted on her showing B-rated movies, adding joyful snarky comments before, during and after the movie regarding the actors, the editing and the special effects. Basically, she provided the right company to watch those kind of movies that are so bad they become good, if you spend the whole movie laughing at it. The show’s popularity grew rapidly and the character got famous quickly, to the point that, by 1988, she even got a movie. However, her fame was, or at least I think it was, limited to the US and, more surprisingly, the UK.

And here is where Michael Woodroffe enters the picture. Woodroffe was the founder of Adventuresoft UK Ltd., a company that started by importing and distributing Adventure International’s games, which consisted mostly of Gauntlet and Scott Adams’ adventure games. Sadly, Adventure International went bankrupt, but by that time Adventuresoft UK Ltd. had started creating their own games. To break with their past, they changed their name to Horrorsoft Ltd., which also matched the common theme of their new games, horror. Well… more gore than horror per se, but you get the idea.

As horror fans, they were quite fond of Elvira. So much that her picture is part of the company’s logo. Or maybe they inherited the license and rolled with it (according to this interview, although I haven’t been able to get further details on that). In any case, they made 4 games under the label. Their first one was called Personal Nightmare (1989) and it’s a pure graphic adventure, while the other three, Elvira I (1990), Elvira II (1991) and Waxworks (1992), were RPG hybrids. After Waxworks, they changed the company’s name once again to Adventure Soft Publishing in 1992 and went on to create the beloved Simon the Sorcerer franchise (and ruin it under yet another new company) and The Feeble Files.

You got an impressive pair of… eyes… in your logo...

Which finally brings us to the game at hand: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. The game is quite known for its gore imagery (reader discretion is advised) and even got the Computer Gaming World RPG of the Year award in 1991. It’s not on GOG or any other platform that I know of, so I have resorted to abandonware sites to download it and the accompanying documents, of which there are two: the game manual, which is written in the same mocking tone used by the titular character and explains the history and the interface, and a spell book printed in two colours as a copy protection mechanism.

I won’t say too much about the game right now (you can take a look at CRPG Addict’s opinion about the game) but I’d like to clarify a couple of points. The first one is that it runs on ScummVM. However, and for the sake of fidelity, I’ll be running it on DosBox. Other than a minor occasional bug with the sound during combat, it seems to run fine. The other one is that I did play the game quite a few years ago and I’ve watched some walkthroughs through the years, so I don’t expect to get stuck or need assistance (bye bye easy bets!!). And with that off my chest, and Elvira’s, it’s time to start our journey.

Which is gonna be full of awesome... erm… puns… Or at least I hope they are better than mine…

The playing of Elvira will commence 7th of January. Stay tuned!

Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no CAPs will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. As this is an introduction post, it's an opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that I won't be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 20 CAPs in return. It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All correct (or nearest) votes will go into a draw.


  1. I know nothing about the game, but don't expect it to be great. And hybrid genres don't usually do that well in the PISSED rating. I'll guess 40.

  2. Hum... I forgot to mention that this game was awarded RPG of the year 1991 by Computer Gaming World. May be of interest for the bets ^^U

  3. I'm going with 45.

    Also I've looked up this character on YouTube and REALLY don't get why people found her funny. why would you deliberately subject yourself to an annoying valley girl?

    1. I say 43.

      I suspect there are a couple of obvious reasons, Canageek, most of us here were teenagers at that time. Well, living in Europe I only knew her through the games. I never watched her TV show until internet came around, and then only a couple of minutes to see what was it about.

      I might play along but I don't think I'll have the time or patience.

    2. 46. Good graphics and little else. :)

      I'm fairly sure that the appeal was more of the MST3K variety, Canageek, than the persona she used which was largely supposed to be counter intuitive. (She's dressed as a horror lady and speaks like a spoilt rich kid ha ha.)

      It's also possible that her bust may have had something to do with it - but I'll leave the scientific analysis of that side of things to our resident Kenny McCormick. Take it away, Kenny!

    3. There are several... okay, 3 reasons for her popularity. 1st, it's her attitude: imagine Siskel and Ebert giving their critiques but less like listening to professionals and more like hearing a friend bitching about the movie.

      2nd & 3rd: Well... just look at that. It's the next best thing to the annual Swimsuit Illustrated that we could watch legally during our teenage years on a weekly basis. I lost count of the number of Kleenex I went through because of her from my... er... tears of laughter. Yes. Tears.

  4. Weekend sale:

    Black Mirror - $9.99 -> $2.49
    Black Mirror 2 - $9.99 -> $2.49
    Neighbours From Hell Compilation - $9.99 -> $2.49
    Book of Unwritten Tales - $19.99 -> $2.99
    Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles - $19.99 -> $2.99
    Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within - $29.99 -> $4.49
    Dark Fall: The Journal - $5.99 -> $0.89
    Dark Fall 2: Lights Out - $5.99 -> $0.89

    1. Damn, I forgot I was going to list that one this morning.

      For those of you that don't know, the Steam Winter Sale is on now. The general opinion is that they aren't selling much really good on the main sales. However, there are many, many minor sales. Now, you probably want to wait for the last day for these, in case the sales increase, but

      So, question: Should I just be listing what game is on sale and a link? Or do you lot prefer the new format? Which parts are useful? The price and %? The description? The link? The name? Let me know!

      1. The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2: -50% CDN$ 5.49 > CDN$ 2.74
      Victor and Alicia have just moved into a new apartment in the big city. While trying to get settled in they discover that all is not as it seems...
      User reviews: Very Positive (239 reviews)

      2. Puzzle Agent 2 -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Agent Nelson Tethers just solved his biggest case yet. So why isn't he satisfied? Venture back to eerie Scoggins, Minnesota to solve the mystery of "the Hidden People" once and for all!
      User reviews: Very Positive (183 reviews)

      3. Syberia -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Join Kate Walker as she travels to remote locations and time periods in this timeless voyage to discover her true destiny.
      User reviews: Very Positive (682 reviews)

      4. Syberia II: -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Having searched Eastern and Western Europe for a missing heir, Kate Walker finally completed her long and arduous journey, obtaining the signature of Hans Voralberg and closing the automaton factory buyout. Mission accomplished?
      User reviews: Very Positive (231 reviews)

      5. Samorost2: -50% CDN$ 5.49 > CDN$ 2.74
      Samorost2, the sequel to free browser based game Samorost1 is a short point-and-click adventure in which you must help out a little space gnome as he searches for his dog, which has been taken away by aliens. Adventure full of surprising creatures and locations. Beautiful ambient music by Tomas "Floex" Dvorak.
      User reviews: Very Posibtive (209 reviews)

      6. Gray Matter -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      After a tragic accident, neurobiologist Dr. David Styles has become a recluse, rarely leaving his home, the Dread Hill House. One day, Samantha Everett, a street magician, appears at Dr. Style's doorstep just as he is seeking a new assistant.
      User reviews: Very Positive (106 reviews)

      7. Scratches - Director's Cut -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Dark Legends surround the old abandoned Blackwood house, secluded far away in the northern wastelands. For writer Michael Arthate, this cold, solitary atmosphere is fodder for his restless imagination. But Michael soon becomes distracted by the mysteries offered up, as he follows a trail exploring and delving into the secrets of the past.
      User reviews: Very Positive (264 reviews)

      8. Dominique Pamplemousse: -50% CDN$ 5.49 > CDN$ 2.74
      Dominique Pamplemousse in “It’s All Over Once The Fat Lady Sings!” is a unique and offbeat stop motion animated detective adventure game about gender and the economy. Also, all the characters frequently burst into song.
      User reviews: Very Positive (109 reviews)

      9. A New Beginning - Final Cut: -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      A New Beginning is a cinematic adventure-thriller done graphic novel-style.
      User reviews: Mostly Positive (584 reviews)

    2. 10. Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon: -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      A strange murder has occurred in the Hotel Lisbon, a man committed suicide with 14 stabs to the back while at the same time he peacefully drank his coffee. This case with contradictory facts could only be solved by the amazing Detective Case and his sidekick, Clown Bot.
      User reviews: Positive (37 reviews)

      11. Bone: The Great Cow Race: -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      It's spring fair time and The Great Cow Race is about to begin! Play carnival games. Write love poetry. Outsmart a really big bee. Cheat the locals out of their hard-earned eggs. Bang on some pots and pans. Escape from an angry mob. Oh, and dress up like a cow. (Not necessarily in that order.
      User reviews: Positive (8 reviews)
      Oh hey, this used to air in Disney Magazine. I got a bunch of those at a garage sale once. Is the game any good?

      Sorry, I took a longggg break here to play The Last Story and chat with my brother.

      12. Long Night: 50% CDN$ 5.49 > CDN$ 2.74
      In this third person survival horror, play as David, a teenage boy during a summer night, who will have to escape his unconscious fears, taking many forms. In the same time, he will have to save his friends from their own scary projections.
      User reviews: Mostly Positive (48 reviews)
      The pictures look very adventure game, including puzzles.

      13. Anna - Extended Edition: -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Set in an abandoned sawmill nestled high in the Italian mountains, Anna challenges the player to uncover horrific clues and use them to solve puzzles related to your character’s dark past. The player’s behavior does not only determine the mental health of the main character but can also change locations and unveil new secrets leading to one of eight possible endings.

      14. Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      Step into the world of interstellar travel, where Space Pirates lurk at every corner. Kaptain Brawe embarks on a journey filled with quests, conspiracies and general chaos.
      User reviews: Mostly Positive (62 reviews)
      Has a demo. GASP. A DEMO? In this day and age?

      15. Lost Chronicles of Zerzura -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
      When one brother is taken away by the Inquisition, the other must search for answers that will set his imprisoned sibling free. You’ll be quickly immersed in an extraordinary expedition, as you explore the ravishingly beautiful and detailed locations and solve a unique combination of puzzles, mini-games, and other challenges within the...
      User reviews: Positive (5 reviews)

      I bet this format takes up wayy to much space on the comments page. Lets try a denser one.

      16. Ceville
      17. Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon < TEX MURPHY GAME
      ******18. Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive *****
      Man they made a lot of Tex Murphy games, given that inauspicous start.
      19: Tex Murphy: Overseer. User Reviews: Negative, 4 reviews.

      20. Bone: Out From Boneville:
      21. Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods
      22. Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual
      23. Alter Ego:

      Ok, back to playing games now.

  5. Hmm. CRPG Addict gave it a 29 as an RPG, but noted that it was much more of an adventure game. I think it was better than the Manhunter games, so I'll guess 51.

  6. I'm going for a score of 50.

    I have absolutely no idea what this will be like, I have very little idea of the character at all, let alone the game.

  7. Looking at the scores so far we have..

    47 - Joe Pranevich
    50 - Andy Panthro
    51 - Fry
    49 - Ilmari
    46 - Aperama
    43 - Laertes
    45 - Canageek
    44 - JosephCurwen
    48 - Lasca
    40 - Kenjab

    So I'll go... 42!

  8. 24. The Witch's Yarn -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
    25. Memento Mori: -80% CDN$ 13.99 > CDN$ 2.79
    26. Alternativa -80% CDN$ 13.99 > CDN$ 2.79
    27. Myst: Masterpiece Edition -50% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 3.24
    28. realMYST -50% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 3.24
    29. Riven: The Sequel to MYST -50% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 3.24
    30. Primordia -70% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.29 It's a post apoc game, its a post apoc game, it looks very pretty, it got Overwhelmigly Positive reviews, I'm almost tempted to buy it myself....
    31. Gemini Rue -70% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.29
    32. Blackwell Deception -70% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.29
    33. Resonance -70% CDN$ 10.99 >CDN$ 3.29
    34. eXperience 112 -70% CDN$ 10.99 >CDN$ 3.29
    Huh, there are a lot of adventure games with female protaganists, cool.
    35. Nicolas Eymerich — The Inquisitor - Book 1 : The Plague: -70% CDN$ 10.99 >CDN$ 3.29
    36. Black Rainbow: -70% CDN$ 10.99 >CDN$ 3.29
    37. Hotel Collectors Edition -75% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 2.74
    38. Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed -60% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.11
    39. Sam Glyph: Private Eye! -80% CDN$ 16.99 > CDN$ 3.39
    40. Dark Fall: Lost Souls: -75% CDN$ 13.99 > CDN$ 3.49
    41. Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery : Episode 2: -30% CDN$ 4.49 > CDN$ 3.14
    42. Sinking Island: -60% CDN$ 8.79 > CDN$ 3.51
    43. Another World — 20th Anniversary Edition -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    44. Yesterday -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    45. Gold Rush! Classic -50% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 3.24
    46. The Next BIG Thing -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    47. Runaway: A Twist of Fate -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    48. Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    49. A Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyrie -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73
    50. Dead Mountaineer's Hotel -66% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 3.73

    1. 51. Crow -30% CDN$ 5.49 > CDN$ 3.84 Hey, this one even has a score rating like old adventure games
      52. Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      53. Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      54. Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      55. Freddi Fish and The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      56. Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone" -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      57. Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required" -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      58. Putt-Putt® Saves the Zoo -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      Man, if I ever have a kid I know what games I'm getting them....
      59. Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      60. Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      Man, I'm getting a lot of these typed up while waiting for my bath to pour.
      61. Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      Man, they made a lot of these games.
      62. Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      63. Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      64. Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      I hope all of these are adventuer games. I've seen a number of puzzle games mixed in. However, the adventure games often have puzzles as well. My solution is to look through and if I see an inventory, it is an adventure game. Good solution?
      65. Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon -50% CDN$ 7.79 CDN$ 3.89 < This was the 2nd adventure game I played. Not as good as Fatty Bear, but I beat it a few times. I call dibs on it in 1993.
      66. Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      67. Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      You know, I don't get Freddi Fish. Fatty Bear is a stuffed bear, kinda cute if boring. Putt-Putt was a classic car, and a robot. That is cool. Now, I never played Spy Fox (Or even heard of him before he went up on Steam), but a spy who is a fox? Foxes and spies are both cool. But Fredi Fish is just a fish. Just me?

      68. Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      What if you had just a few short hours to put together the best birthday party ever? Help Fatty Bear, Matilda Rabbit and Gretchen the Doll work together through the night to prepare a surprise party for Kayla. There's so much to do! Find ingredients for the cake, decorate - plus stop a pesky puppy who keeps running off with their stuff.

      69. The Journey Down: Chapter One: -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
      70. Noir Syndrome -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is one of today's Steam Sale games. I got this one pretty quickly so you have 43 hours as of when I post this to get it. -40% CDN$ 21.99 > CDN$ 13.19

    I'm actually thinking of picking this one up myself, and I don't play adventure games.

  10. 71. Fatale -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89
    72. Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender -50% CDN$ 7.79 > CDN$ 3.89 I've got to ask: Has anyone played this? This sounds like a fun review when we hit 1992. Doing these Steam sales is great: I get a sneak peak at what is coming up, complete with graphics.
    74. Lili: Child of Geos - Complete Edition -82% CDN$ 21.99 > CDN$ 3.95 Jim Sterling was a fan:
    Why the hell is Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army listed as an ADVENTURE game? You stand around in an arena and shoot zombies!
    75. Papo & Yo 25% off.
    Not a traditional adventure game, but from what I've seen an adventure game at heart. I'm not trying to sneak things on the list here: I've got MORE then enough actual adventure games to list, now that everyone and their brother is putting vintage games up on steam in the hopes of attracting a few sales.

    I'm debating buying Valkyria Chronicles, it is supposed to be quite good, but is only 25% off, and I'm sure it will fall more eventually....

    76. Edna & Harvey: The Breakout -75% CDN$ 16.99 > CDN$ 4.24
    77. Max: The Curse of Brotherhood -75% CDN$ 16.99 > CDN$ 4.24
    78. Master Reboot -75% CDN$ 16.99 > CDN$ 4.24
    79. Deponia -80% CDN$ 21.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    80. Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes -80% CDN$ 21.99 > CDN$ 4.39 Are these games any good? There are a number of them with reviews, but they sure don't LOOK good. I guess well written puzzles?
    81. Neighbours from Hell Compilation -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39 See, here is another one that I would have predicted is terrible, but it has great reviews. Any first hand experiance with it.
    82. Disney Winnie the Pooh -33% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 4.34
    83. A Vampyre Story -80% CDN$ 21.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    84. Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    85. Black Mirror -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    86. Black Mirror II -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    87. Black Mirror III -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    88. Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine -60% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 4.39
    89. The Detail -25% CDN$ 6.49 > CDN$ 4.86
    Hey look, we are almost at $5. This means better games, right? Less giant lists of shovelware?
    90. Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder -40% CDN$ 8.79 > CDN$ 5.27
    91. The Ship: Murder Party -50% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 5.49
    92. Knock-knock -50% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 5.49
    92. The Night of the Rabbit -75% CDN$ 21.99 CDN$ 5.49
    Next time I'm going to sort by user reivews so that I get all the good ones first
    93. Botanicula -50% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 5.49
    94. Machinarium 50% CDN$ 10.99 > CDN$ 5.49 Oh, hey, I own this one! Free game to anyone who can guess where I bought it.
    95. A Golden Wake -70% CDN$ 16.99 > CDN$ 5.09

    1. I don't mean to rain on your parade, Canageek, but I think we've reached the point where the sheer number of sales mentioned here detract from the usefulness of mentioning them.

      Part of the reason I personally would like to have sales mentioned here is to bring attention to games similar to the ones we write about that are currently on sale, saving people the bother of having to search through pages of steam sale items to find the best deals or great games that are appropriate for this blog.

      For a big sale like this, unless you're curating the list and only mentioning either ones that are a particularly great deal or ones you personally recommend or have heard great things about, it would be more useful giving people a link to the steam sales page with appropriate tag filters, like for example...

      You'll still get your CAPs for mentioning them, but I think in the future it might help more readers if you list less games but better/great value ones instead.

      This is only one person's opinion, so if more people prefer to have every adventure game on sale listed here then you're best continuing what you're doing.

      My personal preference would be for you to mention the sale with a link, as above, and then mention maybe 10 “highlights” of the sale that you think people really should buy at that price. It would likely be less work for you and also more of use to people like me who are too lazy to look through hundreds of games to find the ones I might want to buy. Then you could add more adventure games if they appear on 'Daily Sales' at bigger discounts throughout the sale period.

      I'd be particularly interested in games or sequels of games that are coming up soon on this blog so if I don't own them I could buy them cheap and play along.

      For regular sales during the year with only 5 or 6 adventure games on sale it makes sense to mention them all but for sales where every game is on sale the information quickly becomes too overwhelming to sift through.

      I want to make it clear that I appreciate the effort you're putting into this but I think you could use the same effort to focus on fewer but more useful game sales.

    2. I have to agree with TBD here, it clogs up the comments beneath articles, and although I know you mean well it would be better if it were a couple of the best ones rather than a long list of all the sales.

      It's especially bad right now, since everywhere is having their xmas sales.

    3. Yeah. I was thinking of moving them to a google document or such, The problem is Google's tags are hit and miss. I've been working on the adventure game list, then filtering it manually. You can use tags, but then you'll only get ones that are point and click, not keyboard controlled for examples. I'll wait until someone responds to this to list more though if you have better ideas.

  11. In case anyone wants to play along, you can get this game from at


Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of the reviewer requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game...unless they really obviously need the help...or they specifically request assistance.

If this is a game introduction post: This is your opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that the reviewer won't be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 50 CAPs in return.
It's also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All score votes and puzzle bets must be placed before the next gameplay post appears. The winner will be awarded 10 CAPs.

Commenting on old entries: We encourage and appreciate comments on all posts, not just the most recent one. There is need to worry about "necroposting" comments on old entries, there is no time limit on when you may comment, except for contests and score guesses.