Tuesday 15 October 2024

Hand of Fate - Long-Haired Freaky People Need Not Apply

Written by Michael

When we last left our whiny heroine, Zantha was outside her laboratory, recently ransacked.  And from the swamp, there were some eyes looking at her, curiously.

Sadly, she didn’t say “Watch it, slimeball” the way Officer Hooks would have.

Clicking on the eyes produces some large lizard monster-looking thing.  Zanthia quickly grabs their tongue, ties it in a knot, and admonishes it for wasting her time.  It slinks away, with its metaphorical tail between its legs.  “Sometimes I have to be strict.”

Friday 11 October 2024

Kronolog - Won (And Final Rating)

Written by Morpheus Kitami

Welcome to 1942, we have a crackerbox-style house behind us, housing Livingston, our target. There's a rainwater barrel next to Hoffmann, empty because there's no rain, and more cacti on the corner. I can peak in through the window, but alas, the curtains are drawn. I can go to the left, though.

"I've been shot, which is why I'm going to stand like I'm trying to reach a high shelf!"

And it's Livingstone, just after having been shot by Schmidt. Hoffmann tells him not to worry, and to go back to his own time, because he has this. He doesn't quite understand, but does so. If I were inclined to think this game might have a cruel ending, I would think I have just guaranteed that time is a loop rather than things changing and creating new timelines.

Getting closer to the house, it changes to the front porch. The fishing gear and swing are flavor. While I can see in through the windows, I don't see anything of interest. The chest and door are locked. The answer is surprisingly easy at this point, because of that well-known cliche of hiding a key where you can find it if you lose it. Where is it? In the mouth of the fish on the left. This allows me to open the chest, which has a piece of orange cloth with two grommets (those ring things you tie things into, not a noob skateboarder) and nothing else. The key does not unlock the front door.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Death in the Caribbean - How Long, How Long to the Point of No Return?

Written by Michael

Well, this post won’t be as long.  I’ve given up on this session after reaching what was almost definitely a dead end.  And that’s after beating the darn ghost!

This will be less of a blow-by-blow of the steps I’ve taken, and more of just a list of failures and frustrations.

First, going back to the grave to dig up stuff that was stolen from me results in death, from what cause I can’t really figure out.  

Friday 4 October 2024

Kronolog - No Time to Cry

Written by Morpheus Kitami
By observations of what's noticeable in a scene it is the most visible...but then again, it is supposed to be...

As nobody else really felt like looking up a walkthrough to give hints, it fell upon Ilmari to once again look up the walkthrough, giving me the clue that I should check the electrical box. On the left, with the obvious markings. The game says its suspicious, but when I use it, tells me off. 100,000 amps feels good any day, which caused me to put it under the "flavor" part of the game's environments.

If only I had a pair of wire cutters...

What I didn't spot was that I was supposed to look at it, up close. I can open it up easily, revealing the circuit breaker for this floor. I guess the 100,000 amps was a red herring. I'm not sure what I can do here. Ilmari also mentioned that you should press the dot on the exclamation mark, which isn't a hotspot. This reveals...