Help us choose the games for 1994!

Please visit the Year Ahead post for 1994 to help us plan the upcoming games to be covered on the blog!

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Companions of Xanth – Won!

By Ilmari

Last time, I had just arrived at the gates of the castle of Good Magician Humfrey. I asked Jenny, my new companion, how to get in, and she suggested using her cat, Sammy, to find a way in.
Sammy kept pawing the wall, and checking it, I wound a loose brick, behind which I could find a switch. Flipping it opened the gate and let me in.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Discussion Point: The Best Presents

 Written by The TAG Team

Now that the holidays are over, let's talk about the loot you've gotten over the years.  Remember when you were a kid, opening up presents on Christmas, Hanukkah, your birthday, or another occasion?  How about the joy of being given a big box, the mystery (and perhaps anxiety) over what might or might not be in it?

Did it ever turn out to be a game?  Or some new, upgraded hardware to play those games with?  What was the best gift like that you've ever gotten?  Or, if you're a better person than we are, the best game or hardware you've given someone else as a gift.

Regale us with "los regalos" from holidays past in the comments below!

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Companions of Xanth – Faun and Games

By Ilmari

What was my goal again? It seems that for a couple of posts I’ve just been going through various parts of Xanth, without any clear idea where I am heading. There was some sort of prize I was supposed to find out, and I had to look for the Good Magician Humfrey… Really, neither of these plot points have had anything to do with the challenges I have been facing.
This one’s the next one in line

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Jack in the Dark - Saving Christmas (Won and Final Rating!)

Written by Andy Panthro

The toy shop back room is where we begin the finale.

 How can one small child save Christmas? Well, this isn’t any small child, this is a witch! And if there’s any magic in this world, surely this is the time for it. Already we have defeated the dancing puppet, and the soldier toys are back in their toybox. This has allowed us access to the back room, and with that a whole new selection of items and toys to contend with.