Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. III - The Spirpt is Willing...

Written by Morpheus Kitami

The cover to the original 1981 edition of the board game.
This one really isn't going to make any sense if you haven't read previous entries for this particular game, I'm afraid.

Now that we've seen all the cases the computer game has to offer, it's time to see how they played out in the original board game. I say original compared to the reissued board game, released about a decade ago. I'm sure the differences are minor, but still, it should be interesting. And of course, after that there's the final case, untouched by the computer games for reasons that I once knew but have since forgotten.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Gabriel Knight - Now Go Do That Voodoo That You Do So Well

Written by Michael

Oh, if only they knew what was coming in 30 years...

I’m back to start another day in the life of Gabriel Knight, gentleman scholar.  My last post ended at the close of the first full day, leading up to the wee hours of the morning, where a familiar ritual occurs, the paperboy arriving at the bookstore a mere second before my assistant Grace.

We learn nothing new because our convenient police source keeps us in the loop.

As is my usual ritual, I stumble out of the back-room bedroom, drink some coffee, and read the newspaper.  This is much like my own life, minus the now-extinct newspaper.

Wait, I keep using the word ritual.  Somehow, it seems appropriate when narrating this game.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Game 158: Alone in the Dark 2 (1993) - Introduction

 Written by Andy Panthro

The first Alone in the Dark game has a special place in my heart, with its blend of action, adventure and Lovecraftian horror it birthed an entire genre. For the majority of that game, your protagonist is slow, thoughtful and must use their brain to overcome the challenges of the house of horrors they find themselves in.

Somehow Gordon Ramsey has been here for a century!

Jack in the Dark, which I covered before Christmas, continues in this vein. A young girl trapped in a spooky toy shop, having to use her wits and the items she finds to rescue Santa Claus. It is holiday themed, and so less threatening and more lighthearted, but the creepy toys and being set during Halloween fit with the themes of the series.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Missed Classic 137: Dracula Hakushaku (ドラキュラ伯爵) - Introduction

 Written by Morpheus Kitami

When paying for games for 1994 was well and truly done and I got started on finalizing the year, I then went over the games I was on for the year, and my heart kind of sank when I spotted what my first three games were this year:

  1. Necronomicon
  2. Desire
  3. Policenauts

Ah, nuts. It's not that I don't necessarily like playing Japanese games, but I am aware of my limitations and how draining it can be. I'm also not really that much on the train to playing Desire and Policenauts, which I view more as obligations rather than things I'm genuinely interested in even if I will give them a fair shake. I'll explain why when I get to those, but Necronomicon is definitely a game that's been on my radar since learning Japanese, since I like me some HP Lovecraft. And yes, I know that if you look at what I'm currently on, there are only three games that aren't Japanese, but it's only these three that are the sort of Japanese titles that feel like they're not quite adventure games that can feel draining. So, let's get into the first of basically nine such games I'll be covering.

Necronomicon is the fourth collaboration between director Hajime Kanasugi and writer Ken'ichi Hirono, so, we'll start with their first collaboration. Not their first games, because there would be fifteen of those and I don't think anyone wants me to go through fifteen at once. And if I do that, I have to justify why I'm not playing games that are prequels to those, and frankly we still haven't played every Sierra game up until this point, so I'm just sticking to these. Because at that point I would be going into basically every single game developer Fairytale made up until 1994 and I don't want to do that just yet.

Side note, no, I don't know anything about them, they are as anonymous as someone posting here without their name filled out. But you don't make five games together without some sort of understanding.

Dracula Hakushaku, or Count Dracula, is according to a copy/pasted description online, Fairytale's own take on Bram Stoker's Dracula. This is the PC-98 box, which has been spread far and wide, no idea who originally uploaded it. Darkforce is mysterious, no idea what that is. The subtitle is "The Blood of Beautiful Girls is Dripping", which is quite creepy. Dunno what's on the right, but The Man Called DRACULA reminds me of a The Man From UNCLE novel about vampires. The game was released in 1992 on PC-98, a Sharp X68000 release soon followed and then the next year there was a FM Towns release. I'll be playing that one.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Gabriel Knight - The House of the Rising Sun

Written by Michael

I meant to post sooner!  Sorry to leave you hanging.

Welcome back to the Down Under Big Easy!  Last time, I laid out my plans for the next session.  Visit Grandma, do research at the drug store and Voodoo Museum, and visit my friend Mosely at a crime scene.  I ended that post back at Gabriel’s book store, having (seemingly) exhausted all avenues there for the time being.  So let’s throw on my leather coat and burn some rubber on the highway!