By The TAG Team
Our reviewers, admins, and commenters |
Okay, so that title isn't a mistake. We want to talk about the blog, and what's to come this year. We missed celebrating The Adventurers Guild’s 12th birthday, but there’s still a lot to celebrate, and a lot more planned for the future. But it’s been a few years since we talked about the blog, so we wanted to take some time to get caught up with each other.
Some things may have slowed down here a little in the few years since the pandemic. Many readers and reviewers had their lives changed, including having more or less time to spend on their hobbies. Some of our past reviewers haven’t been able to keep up their previous schedules, but we’ve also seen a couple of newer writers join our ranks.
Two writers have recently taken on some of the administrative behind-the-scenes work on the blog. We’d like to welcome Morpheus and Michael to our list of admins, and while there haven’t been any formal announcements until now, they’ve been polishing some of the pages and spreadsheets that weren’t given all the attention they needed recently. The other admins are still also maintaining the blog and connections, including Ilmari, Joe, and Will, who have been keeping the wheels turning since the transition from Trickster’s original project.
We’re trying to keep the reviews and playthroughs coming, and have some goals for this year. Perhaps it’s a little late for New Year’s resolutions, but better late than never, right?
First, we’re trying to ensure that we have posts at least once a week, sometimes more often than that. We love the community that has developed here, and look forward to it growing bigger and bigger.
Second, we have a somewhat ambitious (but maybe not completely realistic) goal of finally finishing the 1993 games this year. You’ve been earning all those CAPs with your score guesses, comments, and other contributions to the blog, and what could be better than a year ahead post for 1994 to spend them on?
It’s for this goal that we need your help. Help us write a review of a game! Test the waters (and hone your writing style) by first writing a playthrough of a missed classic. A game from your past, or a game from before 1993 we didn’t play yet (but should have). Email us at with your ideas.
And even if you can’t help write a review, there are many ways you can help us grow the community and make it better. Share links to your favorite TAG blog posts on other sites, and encourage others to join the conversations. Comment on the posts, let us know you’re there, and tell us what you enjoy reading about, so we can adapt. Constructive criticism? This is a perfect post for those comments. Just remember, this is a volunteer-run blog, so not everything is possible, but we’re open to new ideas... but we need your help to do it.
Thanks for making this blog something we look forward to reading and writing every time!