After we came up with Panthro's Law, allowing us to play non-traditional adventure games, it occurred to us that we missed a lot more classics than we'd thought. So to rectify that we're doing a Missed Classic of a game that's not considered a traditional adventure game, but has enough adventurey elements for us to go, “Meh... Close Enough.” I'm talking, of course, about Impossible Mission.
This cover makes me think of the movie Wargames |
Enough preamble, on with the review...
Impossible Mission is known now as a
Commodore 64 classic. It was amazing for its time, and like many
games of the time, would be considered simple and repetitive if
released today. But it, unlike many of its peers, still somehow
manages to be compelling (to me at least) to this day.
Wait, wasn't that just another
paragraph of preamble? Ignore me, I've never been quite sure when
preamble ends and amble begins.